11 Months Post Op - From Healing to Living

This past year my focus has been on recovering from having my tumor removed and getting my strength back. While I am still not 100%, it is amazing how far I have come. The numbness I have had in my legs is continuing to improve and they do not hurt anymore. I do not experience the extreme fatigue as often as I used to, but it does happen about once a week. I would have to say I am not as far along as I would have hoped at this point in time, but I have no complaints.

In addition to the physical issues, my life has turned full circle. My new job is going great, God has opened a door for me to continue in Ministry, and we are getting back to enjoying life.

I am very thankful for this second chance I have been given by God!

Now that I have reached this point in my recovery my focus is going to be changing. No longer am I going to be focused mostly on recovering what was lost. Now it is going to be focused in another direction.

Going forward, I am focusing on enjoying life and making the most of it. I plan on making more time to do things as a family. More time will be spent doing things we love, fishing, playing games, and just hanging out. Our kids are growing up faster than we like (just like most parents) and we want to enjoy as much time with them as we can. I see things like vacations, day trips, Yahtzee, UNO, and Monopoly being a regular part of our lives. Doing things with the family that God has blessed me with will be a priority. No more waiting for sometime in the future to enjoy success, the time is NOW!

Another major focus in my life is going to be Ministry. Going though something like this reminds me how fragile life is. None of us know how much time we have left on this planet or if that person we talked to today will be around tomorrow. Sharing my faith and my love for Jesus is going to be one of my priorities. My prayer is that God guides me on how to lead our new church to make a difference in our community and in the lives of people who do not know Jesus. The focus going forward is to be instrumental in sharing God's Love!

The common theme for these renewed priorities in my life is that we do not know what life has in store for us. So, I am going to make the most of my time with my family and my time sharing God's Love and do both with all of my heart.

God wants us to do His work and my first ministry is my family. My family is going to see my Love for them and for God. I hope to model, for them and others, how you can put both God and Family above anything else and live a great and fulfilling life!

I pray that it does not take a life changing event to happen to you for you to evaluate your priorities! I encourage you to take some time and reflect on what is really important, pray about it, and then do something about it! You do not know how much time you have left with those you love. Don't let that time slip away, you won't get it back!

Looking forward to my second birthday on May 26, 2011!

In Christ's Love,



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