
It has been a while since I have blogged about anything but my recovery from having my Acoustic Neuroma tumor removed. Today is a day to ramble a bit about different things.

2010 was an interesting year. Was called to be a Pastor of a great church in Michigan, found out I had a brain tumor, had the tumor removed, had to step down as Pastor, relocated for work, and much more.

While 2010 was exciting I think 2011 will be more so.

My new job is challenging and is everything I hoped it would be. I have team members to develop, sales increases to keep up with, and some unique opportunities.

We have had some major housing issues. Our house in MI did not sell as planned so we had to walk away from a house here in Spencer. We are currently living in a house that is less than half of the size and not as nice as what we had in MI. We are very thankful for this little house. It has kept us warm and dry throughout the winter. Looking back to when we left MI, we are thankful that we were blessed to give away some of the things we had. One we did not have the room for it in our rental, but the blessing came from knowing that our old sectional went to someone in need. All in all while the move has been challenging it has been a blessing.

Since we have been in Spencer several of the family members have been able to experience new things. Chris is a member of the archery club at his school and has already competed in one tournament, and may compete in the state championship. The family has picked up the hobby of shooting. We have purchased a 22 pistol and rifle and have been enjoying spending time at the range, even in 20 degree weather.

We have joined a small SBC church and have been involved from early on. Last week the church found itself to be without a pastor. On top of that the interim pastor just had his knee replaced and will be out for a couple of weeks. Needless to say I have been asked to cover and I am really excited about it. As busy as I am with a new job and a new town, the thought of being used by God to bring His word to this congregation is invigorating. At this point I do not know if I am just preaching the next couple of weeks or if I am applying for the position. Praying for the Lord's guidance on this one. I have a lot on my plate but every time I am at church I feel called to do more. I am feeling like a vision is forming for what our church should and can be. Please pray for me as I seek His will in all of this. I am confident that the path forward will become clear in the coming weeks.

What does the future hold? I really wish I could answer that one. Some decisions would be easier if I could. If I knew our stay in Spencer would be brief (a couple of years) one path would be taken, if we choose to stay longer different choices would be made. This is one of those times that I wish I had a crystal ball that worked! :)

I pray that God is with you and that He gives you the guidance and strength that you need for whatever comes your way. I know He has been with me, I know He is faithful, I know He loves us. I encourage you to take time to thank Him and show His love to everyone you come in contact with!

God Bless!



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