9 Months Post Op - Feeling Thankful!!!

It is so hard to believe that it has been 9 months since I was wheeled into that operating room. In some ways it feels like it has been years and in others I am amazed at the progress that has been made.

For no real reason at all, 9 months seems like a major milestone for me. I have spent an increasing amount of time Thanking Jesus for seeing me through this overwhelming challenge. I know if it was not for Him things could have turned out a lot worse.

Many people who have gone through Acoustic Neuroma surgery spend month if not years trying to live a normal life. Some face debilitating headaches for the rest of their lives, others deal with vertigo on a daily basis, and much much more. God has truly touched me. At 9 months I have next to no side effects. The numbness in my legs is getting better and it is very rare for me to get headaches any more. When I do get them they are very mild, I cannot remember the last time I took some ibuprofen to deal with a Acoustic Neuroma headache. I am VERY THANKFUL for all God has done for me!!! I thank God that He has healed me!!!

This last week I have been feeling very thankful for all that He has done. I thank Him for healing me, I thank Him for the medical teams at University of Michigan, I thank Him for family and friends who supported us, I thank Him for all of the prayers from people around the country, I thank Him for the opportunity to share my story, I thank Him for allowing us to share our faith with the hospital staff, and I thank Him for the impact this has had on our lives and the lives of others.

I have said it before and I will say it again. I am thankful that God allowed me to endure this knowing that it has touched atleast one person and brought them to Jesus!

We started this journey just over a year ago, and I am amazed at all He has done!

Please take some time to thank God for everything He is doing in your life! He works in our lives everyday and we need to remember to thank Him for all that He does!!

Remember Jesus Loves You!!!

Thank You and God Bless!!!


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