5 Months Post OP and Doing GREAT!

Today is October 26, 2010 and I feel GREAT! God is AMAZING!

Over the last couple of months I have talked about some of the ongoing side effects.

1. Dull aches on the left side of my head.
2. Excessive Tiredness.
3. Numbness/tingling in my legs.

Two of the three list above are all but gone!

The dull mild headaches that I used to constantly deal with everyday are GONE! It has been several weeks since I have had those dull aches on the left side of my head. This was a constant annoyance but never really slowed me down. I did not notice they were gone until I started thinking about this update.

While I have been tired the last couple of weeks, I am getting used to a new job schedule and have my family crammed into a small condo like hotel room. So being tierd is expected. I cannot say that I have my pre-op energy levels back, but I am not slowing down. I still don't think I could handle both work and leading a church, but I am doing great! A lack of energy is not slowing me donw!

You guessed it I am still dealing with the numbness in my legs. The funny thing is that this is not a side affect of Acoustic Neuroma or even having brain surgery. This has to do with spending 10.5 hours on the operating table. Some days the numbness goes unnoticed but on other days it can be painful to the touch. The good news is that it used to be painful all of the time, now it is just sometimes. I expect that each month it will get better and better.

So, here I am 5 months post op and I am AMAZED by all that God has done for me! He has taken care of me beyond measure! His love for me is Awe Inspiring!

I pray that God touches all of you as He has touched me!

God Bless,



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