Sermon Notes - Romans 10:1-13 - Littleby Baptist Church - March 2, 2025

 1.        Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen Paul lament over his people’s lack of faith.

a.        They did not believe in God’s chosen One.

b.       They missed the one that the Father sent.

c.        They missed Jesus.

d.       They did not see what God was doing when Jesus walked among them.

e.        They stumbled over the cornerstone.

f.          The One who was to be the foundation of their faith.

g.        The same One who is the foundation of our faith.

h.        The One we are to trust in no matter what.

i.          Our King and Savior who loves us.

2.        As we move into chapter 10 Paul continues to show his concern for his people.

a.        A concern that we should carry towards the people in our lives.

b.       A concern for the lost that should drive us to be witnesses as we have been commanded to be.

3.        Romans 10:1

a.        Brothers and Sisters… Fellow believers… to the Roman church.

b.       Words that could be spoken to us.

c.        Paul’s desire is for the Jewish people as a whole to come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

d.       That they would let go of the Law and accept the gift of Grace that is being offered.

e.        You might recall the beginning of chapter 9, Paul basically says he would be willing to go to hell in their place if they would come to accept Jesus.

f.          That is how sincere this desire is.

g.        A model for us on how we should desire that the lost people in our lives would come to know Jesus.

h.        Our heartfelt desires and prayers should be for the lost.

i.          That they would hear the Good News.

j.          That it would change their lives and their eternal destinations.

k.        That should be a prayer for us as individuals and for LBC.

4.        Romans 10:2

a.        The Israelites are passionate for God.

b.       They follow the Law.

c.        They dedicate a crazy amount of time to memorizing Scripture.

d.       Their society and lives are built around their devotion to God.

e.        If devotion was enough…

f.          If they could be measured on religions practice…

g.        If works would get them their…

h.        They have it in spades.

i.          But they are missing the knowledge.

j.          The discernment needed to see God’s plan and respond accordingly is missing.

k.        People who say they are Christians or were raised Christians but don’t follow Jesus would be just like Paul’s Jewish brethren.

l.          They know enough, but the lack of faith, the lack of knowing God is keeping them from being saved.

5.        Romans 10:3

a.        Not something I would want written about me.

b.       The Jewish people did not know God.

c.        They did not follow Him.

d.       They’ve built upon God’s original plan.

e.        Added to it.

f.          Made it their own.

g.        Tried to establish their relationship with God through their own processes in their own way.

h.        2 Corinthians 3:6

i.          They were stuck on the letter of the law and not just God’s letter but the letters they added to it.

j.          They made it all about the works.

k.        All about the rituals and traditions.

l.          They missed the Spirit of the Law.

m.     They missed God being at work.

6.        Romans 10:4

a.        For those that believe.

b.       Christ fulfills the law.

c.        Matthew 5:17

d.       Our relationship with God is found in Christ.

e.        The Law does nothing for us in that manner.

f.          We are to follow the teachings of the Jesus and the Apostles more than we are the Law.

g.        The NT should be what guides us more than the Law.

h.        But that does not mean we reject the Law.

i.          The Law points us to Jesus.

j.          The Law helps us to understand who we are as sinners.

k.        And helps us to grasp how much we need our Jesus.

l.          We need to learn from the Law.

m.     But we follow Jesus.

7.        Romans 10:5

a.        Blessing comes through obedience.

b.       One must keep the entire law perfectly for all of his days to achieve righteousness.

c.        If our lives were to be dedicated to living the law, our salvation would only come from living it perfectly.

d.       Something no human other than Jesus has ever been able to do.

8.        Romans 10:6-7

a.        Christ has already come down from heaven and walked this earth.

b.       Christ has already risen from the dead.

c.        There is no reason to repeat these steps.

d.       They are done.

e.        What is needed is faith.

f.          Faith leads to righteousness.

g.        To the Jewish people this would resonate as in having faith like Abraham.

h.        Faith in God that led to righteousness.

i.          With Jesus this is faith that Jesus is God.

j.          Faith that He died to pay for our sins.

k.        Faith that He rose again defeating death.

l.          Faith that we are forgiven by repenting and following Him.

m.     Faith that leads to righteousness.

n.        We need Faith that Jesus is who Scripture states He is and that He did what it states He did.

9.        Romans 10:8

a.        The point Paul is trying to make.

b.       Is that the Word that he is sharing.

c.        It is accessible and understandable.

d.       It is available, it is near your mouth and your heart.

e.        The Gospel.

f.          The Good News about Jesus.

g.        In Paul’s day it was spreading.

h.        Today is readily available to most of the world.

i.          It is the message that we are to proclaim.

10.   Romans 10:9

a.        It is truly that simple.

b.       Believe that Jesus is Lord.

c.        That He has power, authority, influence… that he is the master of your life.

d.       That is what Him being your Lord means.

e.        Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.

f.          If you believe He was raised from the dead, you must also believe that He died on that cross.

g.        Which would be coupled with the reason that He died on the cross, which was to pay for our sins.

h.        So, believing that Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross and was raised from the dead by God.

i.          Defeating death.

j.          Means you are saved.

k.        Now the first part of the verse states that we are to confess this with our mouths.

l.          1 Corinthians 12:3

m.     As the Holy Spirit works in us, we will proclaim Jesus for who He is.

n.        Only those who believe can truly state that Jesus is their Lord.

o.        Anyone can say the words, but true confession that Jesus is Lord brings salvation.

11.   Romans 10:10

a.        Believe and confess.

b.       Be saved and found righteous in God’s eyes.

c.        The first step is truly that easy.

d.       We humans sometimes make it more complicated than it needs to be.

e.        It truly is as simple as Paul is stating here.

12.   Romans 10:11

a.        Quoting Isaish.

b.       While we will all stand before the judgement seat of Christ.

c.        Those who believe.

d.       Those who have put their faith in Christ.

e.        Those who have confessed that Jesus is Lord of their lives.

f.          Will not be put to shame.

g.        Will not get the wages they have earned.

h.        Meaning they will not face the punishment they deserve.

i.          Jesus has already paid the price for their sins.

j.          The debt has been paid.

k.        He has born the shame.

l.          He has paid that horrible price.

m.     There is nothing left for us, other than accepting the grace we have been given.

n.        A gift received through our faith in Him.

o.        In our proclamation that He is our Lord and Savior.

13.   Romans 10:12

a.        Paul’s heart has been breaking for his people.

b.       Yet, he is emphasizing that this message.

c.        This gift.

d.       The ability to be saved by confessing Jesus as Lord.

e.        By believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead.

f.          Is a gift for Jew and Gentile alike.

g.        It is a gift for each and every person who believes.

h.        There is no preferential treatment for those who are sons of Abraham.

i.          Someone’s ability to adhere to a portion or even 90% of the OT Law does not give them a leg up.

j.          The gift of salvation is given to all who believe and confess.

k.        No matter ones heritage.

l.          It does not matter what they have done.

m.     What they bring to the table does not matter.

n.        The gift is for all who believe.

o.        A gift that is not deserved.

14.   Romans 10:13

a.        An amazing reassurance we see in this verse.

b.       Call on the name of the Lord and be saved!

c.        Have true faith.

d.       Believing all that we have talked about this morning.

e.        That Jesus is the Son of God.

f.          That the Father sent Him to earth for us.

g.        That Jesus lived a perfect sinless life.

h.        That He willingly gave His life for us on that cross to pay the sin debt we owe.

i.          That He was buried and rose again.

j.          In doing so, He defeated death.

k.        In turn, giving us new life.

l.          If we believe in Jesus.

m.     If we make Him Lord of our life.

n.        Confess our sins and follow Him.

o.        We become new creations.

p.       We are children of God.

q.       Set free from our sin.

15.   What an amazing gift.

16.   Romans 10:13

17.   If you have yet to call on the name of the Lord, I would love to pray with you.

18.   If Jesus is already your Lord, we are called to Love Him with all that you are and to Love others.

a.        I want to challenge you to put that love into action.

b.       Is your heartbreaking for someone or a group of people today?

c.        If you feel called to love through service step out in faith.

d.       If you would like to pray or talk about it, I am here.


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