Sermon Notes - Romans 3:1-8 - God is Constant - Littleby Baptist Church - September 1, 2024

1.        Paul’s audience in Rome is primarily Gentile Christians.

a.        At this point in the letter, he is directly addressing Jewish believers.

b.       He is correcting some bad theology in where they thought they had a free pass because they were God’s chosen people.

c.        They had the Law, the revelation of God, His Word, and they were sons of Abraham.

d.       It is true they had all that, but since they too were sinners, they would not get a free pass, they would be judged first.

e.        It does not change the outcome, as we will all be judged.

f.          As we all are sinners.

g.        We all need a Savior.

h.        We need His sacrifice.

i.          We need His gift of new Life.

j.          We need the Holy Spirit to guide us.

2.        As we continue Paul is still writing to the Jewish believers, but the gentiles are also learning through this.

a.        They have likely picked up a little understanding about why the Jewish people thought they were already saved.

b.       What they thought their heritage gave them.

c.        But also, now realize that they are all equal.

d.       That all of them will face judgement without Jesus.

3.        Romans 3:1

a.        After everything we have talked about over the last two weeks.

b.       Re-read the verse.

c.        It is believed Paul is using the questions as prompts to further his points.

d.       It would be like Paul the Jewish man asking Paul the Christ follower these questions.

e.        What good was his Jewish heritage?

f.          What good was the circumcision that was done when he was a child?

g.        Is there any advantage to it?

h.        What we saw in chapter 2 when it comes judgement, the Jew will get judged before the Gentile.

i.          But I suspect we won’t notice much of a difference and the end results will be the same.

j.          Jew or Gentile, sinner or saint, we will be with God, or we won’t based on our faith in Jesus.

k.        Paul’s answer is a little different.

4.        Romans 3:2

a.        Paul’s answer to his own question is looking at this side of eternity.

b.       There is a huge benefit to being a Jew in that day and age.

c.        They were given God’s Word.

d.       They had the story of creation.

e.        They knew all about Father Abraham.

f.          They studied all that God had given Moses.

g.        It was common for them to memorize the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible.

5.        With access to the Word of God.

a.        Learning about the miracles performed in Egypt.

b.       Growing up knowing what it meant to worship God.

c.        To have an understanding of who God is.

d.       The Words of the Prophets available to them.

e.        It should have given them a leg up in living for God.

f.          If we flip through the OT, we know that was not always the case.

g.        I have recently finished 2 Chronicles in my daily reading.

h.        Sadly, it is obvious that having access to the Word of God and the word of the Prophets of God was not enough.

i.          God’s chosen people did not honor God in the way they lived their lives.

j.          We have God’s Word at our fingertips more than any other generation.

k.        It is an advantage.

l.          We need to use it accordingly.

6.        Romans 3:3

a.        Throughout history the people of Israel rebelled against God.

b.       They were unfaithful.

c.        How does that impact God’s faithfulness?

d.       Does that mean He will turn away from His promise?

e.        Deuteronomy 7:9

f.          Our god will be faithful for 1,000 generations.

g.        If a generation is 30 years, God is faithful for at least 30,000 years.

h.        Most creationists believe the earth is 6-8K years old.

i.          God’s faithfulness far exceeds the existence of all we know.

j.          That is the math answer, let’s look at Paul’s answer.

7.        Romans 3:4

a.        If man is unfaithful, it does not nullify God’s faithfulness.

b.       God is faithful to who He is no matter what.

c.        God’s character is an absolute.

d.       2 Timothy 2:13

e.        God will remain faithful to His nature, His character, and His promises.

f.          He promised Abrham to bless the world through his offspring.

g.        God did so, even after Abrham took matter into his own hands.

h.        He promised David that his kingdom would endure forever.

i.          Jesus is the answer to that promise.

j.          Jesus’ kingdom is the only one that will endure for all of eternity.

k.        God is faithful to His character regardless of what we do.

l.          God will be true, even if others are liars.

m.     He is Truth.

n.        His judgement is True.

o.        It is simply who He is.

p.       God is Faithful.

q.       He can be nothing else.

r.          He will always be faithful.

8.        Romans 3:5

a.        Our sinful ways and God’s Holiness are polar opposites.

b.       One is pure light, and the other is pure dark.

c.        As we live our lives our way, it shows how far we are from God.

d.       It would be like comparing the top speeds of God’s F35 to a toddlers little red tricycle.

e.        God’s righteousness stands out.

f.          Simply because that is who He is.

g.        Psalms 11:7

h.        God is Righteous.

i.          He cannot be different.

j.          Who we are has no impact on His righteousness.

k.        He will be Faithful and Righteous regardless of what us humans do.

l.          “is God unrighteous to inflict wrath?”

m.     God cannot be unrighteous, but let’s look at Paul’s answer.

9.        Romans 3:6

a.        Absolutely not.

b.       Hebrews 13:8

c.        He does not change.

d.       If He is righteous, He is always righteous.

e.        When judgement is needed… He cast judgement.

f.          We see it throughout Scripture.

g.        We see it when Pharoah would not let God’s people go.

h.        We see it when the Israelite’s turned their back on God.

i.          An argument could be made that we are seeing it today.

j.          We know we will see it in the future.

k.        A righteous God will judge those who deny His truth and turn their backs on His ways.

l.          God is faithful to save those who repent and follow Jesus.

m.     And He is faithful to judge those who suppress His truth.

10.   Romans 3:7-8

a.        Interesting questions in these verses.

b.       If a someone sins but it works in God’s favor, should they be judged as a sinner?

c.        And the second is, should we do evil knowing that ultimately good will come out of it?

d.       Paul answers this by saying that their condemnation is deserved.

e.        In other words, sin is sin.

f.          The end does not justify the means.

g.        Romans 2:4

h.        Jesus’s gift is offered to us in hopes that we will repent and sin no more.

i.          Sinning thinking it will bring about good is not trusting in God to work.

j.          It is taking matters into our own hands.

k.        We need to trust in God.

l.          He is Faithful.

m.     He is Righteous.

11.   Romans 2:6

a.        We are judged based on our works.

b.       Thankfully the works Paul was talking about in this verse had to do with if we had put our faith in Jesus or not.

c.        Faith in Jesus is what is important.

d.       Faith that drives us to repent of our sins and follow Him.

e.        Faith in the one who paid for our sins on the cross.

f.          Faith in the one who gave us new life when He rose from the dead.

g.        Faith in the one who sent the Holy Spirit to work in us, guide us, and help us to walk in this world as we do His work.

12.   As we wrap up this morning, living in an ever-changing world.

a.        Remember that our God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

b.       He is THE One Constant that we can always count on.

c.        The One that will NEVER leave us or forsake us.

13.   If there is something you need to turn over to Jesus this morning, I want to encourage you to do so.

a.        His Love knows no limit.

b.       He is waiting to hear from you.

c.        If you would like prayer the altar is always open.

14.   If you don’t know Jesus and want to know more about what it means to walk with Him.

a.        I would love to talk with you.


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