
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Partnership - Littleby Baptist Church - June 30, 2024

1.         Our second to last Things Churches Need… Leadership Development is already fairly integrated into what we do here at Littleby. a.         The Word of God is taught. b.        We have a solid start at Discipleship. c.         Hopefully we are modeling Godly leadership. d.        As I said last week, we can grow in the area of serving and leading. e.         If you have a desire or feel led to step out in faith in an area, please let me know. f.           I would love to pray about it with you and look for opportunities for you to get your feet wet. g.         As a church we want to provide opportunities for individuals to grow. h.         The Church needs the next generation of leaders to be developed. i.           For Littleby just because we have someone serving in a spot today does not mean we cannot use another or that someone couldn’t use a break. j.           Around the association and the surrounding areas, we are seeing fewer and fewer young men an

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Leadership Development - Littleby Baptist Church - June 23, 2024

1.         We are winding down our Things Churches Need series. 2.         Before we disappeared for a week, we talked about Things Churches Need… Vision. 3.         I did not cast a new vision for LBC. 4.         I personally believe that God has already done that for us. 5.         I might be able to come up with some catchy phrase, but there is nothing I can do that is better than what God can do. 6.         That being said, I think we can boil down the vision and mission to 4 statements given to us by Jesus. a.         Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. b.        Love your neighbor as yourself. c.         Make disciples, teaching them what it means to follow Christ. d.        Be a witness starting here in our community but continue to the ends of the earth. 7.         Love God… Love Others… Make Disciples… Be a witness. a.         We could likely tweak the wording a bit, but I firmly believe it boils down to these 4 things. b.