Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Biblically Based Teaching - Littleby Baptist Church - April 21, 2024

1.        As we move into our third week of the Things Churches Need series, we come to another item that I wish we could say was a given.

2.        Some churches embrace this week’s need and it is a part of their DNA.

3.        Some do not.

4.        It is one of those things that Scripture tells us is a sign of the times we live in.

5.        Their will be those who speak the truth and those who tickle ears.

6.        There are times and places for things such as Ted Talks.

a.        A presentation sharing research and knowledge to inspire others.

7.        There is a time and place for self-help type of messages.

8.        Sometimes church teachings can fit in those categories.

9.        But if we flip through our Bibles and read more than those verses, we enjoy reading, we will see there are a lot of hard truths.

a.        There are times we will be inspired.

b.       But there are also times we are corrected and challenged.

c.        There are times where we will be lifted up, maybe feel like a self-help type of thing.

d.       But there are also times where the hard truths remind us that we are flawed humans.

10.   The Things Churches Need… Biblically Based Teaching.

a.        I really wish was given, but if you google some churches, you will find that some hardly crack open the Good Book.

b.       Some never touch the Old Testament, as if it is not important anymore.

c.        Sadly there are many that teach false doctrines.

11.   Churches need Bible based teaching in our sermons, Sunday school lessons, and small groups.

12.   Psalms 25:1-3

a.        David is talking about how he is looking for the Lord’s guidance.

b.       Waiting and trusting in God.

13.   Psalms 25:4-5

a.        The Bible is how God makes His Word known to us.

b.       It is how we learn His ways.

c.        His path for us.

d.       His truth.

e.        It is how He teaches us.

14.   Joshua 1:8

a.        If we are to meditate on the book of instruction, the Word of God.

b.       The teachings here at church need to be Biblically based.

c.        But it does go beyond that.

d.       We need to personally spend time in the Word.

15.   This verse in Joshua reminds us that the church needs Biblically based teaching.

a.        We are to meditate on the Word of God.

b.       We are to feed ourselves.

c.        As individuals and as teachers.

16.   2 Timothy 1:13

a.        We are to hold on to the ‘pattern’ – Not a one-time thing.

b.       A regular example, a habit, a discipline, of sound teaching.

c.        As followers of Christ… we need those examples.

d.       Which is one of the reasons why it is important to be a part of a church that has sound Biblically based teaching.

e.         Without it, we do not get that pattern to help us develop the discipline of dividing God’s Word correctly.

f.          A pattern to learn from.

g.        A pattern to model as we grown and ultimately end up teaching others.

17.   2 Timothy 3:14-15

a.        Timothy was to continue in what he had learned and believed.

b.       Paul went on to emphasize that it was the sacred Scriptures, the OT Scriptures.

c.        Which helped Timothy have the wisdom he needed to see Jesus for who He is.

d.       Biblical based teaching helps us to see God for who He is.

18.   2 Timothy 3:16-17

a.        Some versions translate the first part of this as Scripture being ‘God breathed’.

b.       Either way you translate it, the Word of God comes directly from God.

c.        Man may have been the tool to write it, but it was given by the Holy Spirit to them.

d.       Scripture is God’s Word.

e.        As such, it needs to be a key part of our lives as followers of Jesus.

f.          Paul included several things that it is good for, teaching, rebuking, correcting, training, so that we may be complete and equipped to do God’s work.

g.        Hearing and being taught God’s Word are critical for our spiritual health.

h.        As believers we depend on the Word of God.

i.          Which emphasizes why churches need… Biblically based teaching.

19.   2 Timothy 4:1

a.        Paul is laying out a charge to Timothy.

b.       A charge that is true for anyone who teaches the Word of God.

c.        I would say that it is true whether you teach in a formal situation such as a church or at home to your kids or grandkids.

20.   2 Timothy 4:2

a.        Things churches need… Biblically based teaching.

b.       Mirrors this charge.

c.        We need to be ready to share the Word of God at any time.

d.       Not just when we feel like it or when it is convenient.

e.        Preaching the Word is something that is to be the priority at any time.

f.          People need to hear the truth.

g.        Biblical truth.

h.        Not what makes someone excited, not a catchy phrase…

i.          Biblical teaching.

j.          That is the charge to any who stands in the pulpit or who teachs the Bible to another.

k.        Teach the Bible.

l.          Teach it to rebuke, correct, and encourage.

m.     Have patience as you teach it, remembering that people are at different places in the sanctification process.

n.        But teach it nonetheless.

21.   2 Timothy 4:3-4

a.        This is one of the reasons why we need Biblically based teaching in our churches.

b.       A time is coming, and maybe getting near, when people will no longer listen.

c.        Biblically based teaching is needed so that each of us are equipped to reach those who will still listen.

d.       It is needed to touch the lives of those who can still hear the Truth.

e.        Churches need Biblically based teaching.

22.   2 Timothy 2:15

a.        Paul’s message to Timothy to do his best applies to any who teach the Word of God.

b.       It is an important task.

c.        One that is not to be taken lightly.

d.       If we work to correctly divide the Word of God and share it with others, there is no reason to be ashamed.

e.        Those who approach it haphazardly or twist it to convey their own message, will face a time when they will hang their head in shame.

f.          Treat the Word of God as it should be and hold your head high.

g.        Churches need teachers and preachers who will correctly teach the Word of Truth.

23.   John 14:6

a.        Things churches need… Biblically based teaching is founded in the Truth that is Jesus Christ.

b.       When a church focuses on teaching the Word, the Truth, it is focusing on Jesus.

24.   An important reason why churches need… Biblically based teaching is found in…

25.   John 8:31-32

a.        If you continue in my Word… people cannot lean about the Word and how to continue in it without someone teaching them.

b.       If we continue in His Word we are His disciples…. We are followers of Christ.

c.        As Jesus followers we need churches that focus on Biblical teaching.

d.       With solid Biblical teaching we grow in our knowledge of the Truth.

e.        The Truth of Jesus that sets us free.

f.          Free from the bondage of our sins.

26.   Things churches need… Biblically based teaching.

a.        I wish it was a given that every church really taught the Bible.

b.       As we think about first message in this series, praying dependently on God.

c.        A good God sized prayer, would be for God to work in all the churches in our communities.

d.       To bring them all back to the Word of God.

e.        Leave behind the TED talks and inspirational messages.

f.          Focus on the God breathed Scriptures.

g.        Focus on the Word that was given to rebuke, correct, and encourage us.

h.        So that we can learn the Truth and be freed from our sins.

27.   Things churches need… Biblically based teaching.

a.        Requires men to strive to correctly preach the Word of God.

b.       Each one of us who teach a class or Bible study to prepare and teach the Word.

c.        It depends on each of us to truly be in God’s Word so that we can see when things are not correct.

28.   I encourage you to pray for God to change the hearts of those who are teaching their own message instead of His message.

29.   Pray that each of us, while we are not perfect, will teach God’s Word correctly.

30.   Pray that God teaches you His Word so that you can see false teachings and so that you can teach others.

a.        It is a big responsibility, but ultimately, we are all called to make disciples.

b.       We are all called to teach in one form or another.

31.   Churches need… Biblically based teaching.


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