
Showing posts from April, 2024

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Discipleship - Littleby Baptist Church - April 28, 2024

  1.         We have covered three Things Churches Need so far. a.         Dependent Prayer. b.        Christ Centered Worship. c.         Biblically Based Teaching. 2.         Our fourth Things Churches Need is another that there is a level of responsibility that falls to the church but also to the individuals. 3.         We see the beginnings of it back in Moses’ day. 4.         Deuteronomy 4:1-6 a.         Moses taught the people what God expected. b.        The people were to follow those teachings. c.         In doing so the wisdom and knowledge of God would be seen in how they lived their lives. 5.     ...

Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Biblically Based Teaching - Littleby Baptist Church - April 21, 2024

1.         As we move into our third week of the Things Churches Need series, we come to another item that I wish we could say was a given. 2.         Some churches embrace this week’s need and it is a part of their DNA. 3.         Some do not. 4.         It is one of those things that Scripture tells us is a sign of the times we live in. 5.         Their will be those who speak the truth and those who tickle ears. 6.         There are times and places for things such as Ted Talks. a.         A presentation sharing research and knowledge to inspire others. 7.         There is a time and place for self-help type of messages. 8.         Sometimes church teachings ...