Sermon Notes - John 20: 19-23 - Peace Be With You - Littleby Baptist Church - January 7, 2024

1.        When we last looked at the Gospel of John three people had seen the empty tomb.

a.        Peter was likely still struggling with his denial of Jesus and could not see past the pain.

b.       John saw the empty tomb and believed.

c.        He knew that Jesus was alive.

d.       Mary’s day started horribly but that all changed when Jesus called her by name.

e.        Her grief was replaced with Joy.

2.        I suspect we can all relate to one or more of these people.

a.        Whichever one it is, my encouragement to you is the same.

b.       Spend time with God, draw near to Him, and let Him work in you.

c.        If you believe, your faith will grow as you see God use you.

d.       If you don’t believe, keep digging and one day the truth will click for you.

3.        John 20:19

a.        The disciples were afraid.

b.       They felt lost.

c.        Their friend and Messiah had been arrested and murdered.

d.       And then, Jesus’ body was gone.

e.        John and Mary have shared that Jesus has risen from the dead as He foretold.

f.          Yet, the group was hiding in fear.

g.        It is likely that they expected to face the same treatment that Jesus had.

h.        I would expect that the Jewish leadership and maybe even the Romans were hunting them.

i.          They were afraid.

j.          The door was locked.

k.        Then Jesus appeared in their midst and said, “Peace be with you.”

l.          I can think of a lot of things that Jesus could have offered them.

m.     Strength for the coming trials.

n.        Could have reassured them by promising safety.

o.        Could have provided a shot of wisdom for them to understand what was happening.

p.       Yet, He said “Peace be with you.”

q.       John 14:27

r.          Don’t let your heart be troubled.

s.        Don’t let fear get the best of you.

t.          Let the Peace of God fill you.

u.       A Peace that is beyond any worldly understanding.

4.        The disciples were dealing with anxiety, loss, guilt, and fear.

a.        We were not sitting in that room that night, but we all deal with these emotions.

b.       We struggle with the anxiety of the unknown.

c.        We are keenly aware of the loss of our loved ones.

d.       We hold on to guilt for the things we have said or done.

e.        Or maybe, what we have not said or done.

f.          And fear can cripple us, can keep us from living our lives and living our faith.

g.        I would say each of us can relate to the disciples in one way or another.

h.        Jesus’ words, “Peace be with you” are meant for us.

i.          But what does that mean…

5.        Romans 5:1

a.        Through our faith in our Savior Jesus, we have Peace.

b.       A peace that is not limited to a lack of conflict or struggles.

c.        A peace that calms our souls in spite of the pain, loss, and conflict we are experiencing.

d.       A peace that comes through Jesus.

e.        It is not based on us, but on Him.

6.        Romans 5:2

a.        A peace that allows us to stand by the grace of God regardless of what we are facing.

b.       A peace that is grounded in the Hope we have in Jesus.

c.        A hope that has been secured by the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior.

7.        Romans 5:3-5

a.        All of this grows in us because of God’s love for us.

b.       It is this love that led to Jesus to come down to earth.

c.        It is this love that resulted in Him being raised up on the cross to pay our debt.

d.       It is this love that gives us a new life through His resurrection.

e.        A love that has been ‘poured out in our hearts’.

f.          A love that is not dependent on us.

g.        A love that is complete.

h.        A love that is seen by the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

i.          The Love that gives us Peace from our Lord Jesus.

8.        How do we get this Peace?

9.        Philippians 4:6-7

a.        Not worrying is the hard part.

b.       But, presenting our requests, our concerns, our fears, and doubts to God in prayer should be part of our daily conversation with Him.

c.        Now I will be the first to admit that just because I give it to God in prayer does not solve everything instantly.

d.       My mind keeps thinking and dwelling on the things that bother me.

e.       But there is truth in the fact that if we continue to present our requests to God in prayer that He will work in us.

f.          The more we pray about it.

g.        The more we ask Him to work in us and in the situation.

h.        The more the Peace that is grounded in Christ Jesus will come over us.

10.   Our part of the equation is talking to our God and sharing our concerns.

a.        Here in Philippians, we see that – re-read verse 7.

b.       In Romans 5:

                                                                              i.        ‘We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’

                                                                            ii.        ‘God’s love has been poured out in our hearts.’

c.        We give it to God and then let Him take over.

d.       Our peace is not dependent on us.

e.        The outcome is not dependent on what we want.

f.          God can and will grant us an amazing peace that is beyond all understanding as we continually lay our concerns at His feet.

g.        Pour out your heart to God, over and over and over again if needed.

11.   John 20:20

a.        First, they witnessed His power as He appeared in the room.

b.       Then they see that Jesus is alive, even with the wounds from His time on the cross.

12.   Their fear turns to Joy.

a.        They rejoiced over seeing Jesus!

b.       Their circumstances had not changed.

c.        They were likely still being sought by the authorities.

d.       But their fear turned to Joy.

e.        Joy that was not based on their circumstances.

f.          A Joy that was based on Jesus being alive and well.

g.        Their Hope was restored in Jesus being their Messiah.

13.   We often base our peace and joy on what is going on in our lives.

a.        We live in a fallen world, which tends to lead to more fear and doubt than peace and joy.

b.       These verses are reminding us to look to our Savior Jesus for our Hope, Peace, and Joy.

c.        Remembering what He has done, is doing, and will do for us.

d.       Trusting in His words over the things of this world.

14.   John 20:21

a.        Jesus is the one the Father sent to bring the gift of salvation to all.

b.       Jesus sent His disciples to share the Gospel message with the world.

c.        A mission that has been given to all who follow Jesus.

d.       To be His messengers in our neighborhoods and to the ends of the earth.

e.        To help others meet Jesus and grow in their knowledge of Him.

15.   John 20:22

a.        A mission that they or we are not meant to complete with our own knowledge, wisdom, or power.

b.       Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on them to help them.

c.        We have the Holy Spirit in us.

d.       He is our Guide, who works in us to help us grow.

e.        The one who helps us to understand the Word of God.

f.          The one who guides us to share with others.

16.   John 20:23

a.        Jesus was not granting them the power to forgive sins.

b.       Our sins are forgiven through our faith in Jesus.

c.        Through His blood.

d.       He was telling them, that they are to share how sins are forgiven.

e.        Then if someone accepts the gift of Christ’s sacrifice, they are to let them know that their sins are forgiven.

f.          If they reject the gift, then their sin remains.

g.        The same is true today.

h.        We can say with confidence to a new believer that their sins are forgiven.

i.          Their sins have been wiped away.

j.          They are a new creation in Christ.

k.        Scripture is clear, accept Jesus and your sins are forgiven.

l.          Reject Him and they are not.

17.   As we draw near to God and go about the mission we have been given we will see His love, peace, joy, and hope manifest in our lives.

18.   As we live our faith, we will have opportunities to share Christ’s amazing gift with others.

19.   Wherever we are on this journey, our God is with us.

20.   His Peace is upon us.

21.   If you don’t know Jesus and want to feel His Peace, I would love to share it with you.  


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