Sermon Notes - John 17 - Prayers of Jesus - Littleby Baptist Church - November 12, 2023

 1.     As we draw closer to Jesus’ betrayal he continues to pour into His disciples.

a.      He confused them a bit when He talked about them not seeing Him and then seeing Him again.

b.     Jesus knew that he was going to spend some more time with the guys.

c.      He wanted to reassure them that the coming pain is only temporary.

d.     Sorrow will be turned to Joy.

e.      The pain of this world will be replaced with a Joy that is made complete when we stand in the presence of our God.

2.     How can this be?

a.      The final words of chapter 16, “Be Courageous! I have conquered the world.”

b.     Jesus is triumphant.

c.      He paid the price.

d.     He defeated death.

e.      The results are set.

f.      All who believe and follow Jesus have Hope in His gift and a Peace that knows no limit.

3.     As events continue this night, Jesus takes some time to pray.

4.     John 17:1-5

a.      The hour has come for the plan of redemption to take place.

b.     It was time for Jesus to pay for the sin of the world.

c.      Eternal life will be given to all who believe in Him, all those that belong to Him.

d.     The coming events are the only way we make into eternity with God.

e.      Without Jesus fulfilling the plan of redemption, we would be lost forever.

f.      Jesus was brining glory to the Father, meaning He was going to faithfully follow through with the plan.

g.     Jesus was asking for the Father to glorify the Son, so that He could endure the suffering that was to come.

5.     John 17:6-8

a.      Jesus’ prayer changes from focusing on Him and the Father, to His disciples.

b.     He starts by recognizing that they have come from the world.

c.      They once were in the world but have been called out by Jesus and are following Him.

d.     Same should be said about each of us.

e.      If we know for certain that Jesus is the one the Father sent, our eternity has changed.

f.      We have been called out of this world.

g.     Through our faith in Christ, we are no longer part of this world.

h.     Obey the Word of Christ and be with Him forever.

i.       We need to follow Him in every way.

6.     John 17:9-10

a.      Jesus is connected to the Father.

b.     What they have, they share.

c.      The disciples were Jesus followers and they belonged to the Father.

d.     We are Christ followers, and we are the Father’s children.

7.     John 17:11

a.      Jesus’ ministry on earth was coming to an end.

b.     The disciple’s ministry was about to kick into high gear.

c.      Knowing the persecution, He faced and what was in store for His followers, Jesus asked the Father to protect those that were with Him.

d.     Protect them so that they will remain united.

e.      United like the Father and the Son are united to complete the Plan before them.

f.      Disciples should be united together in sharing the gospel of Jesus.

8.     John 17:12

a.      Jesus protected the disciples.

b.     None, but Judas were lost.

9.     John 17:13

a.      Jesus was praying these words so that the disciples would hear them, remember them, and that the words would bring them Joy in the coming days.

10.  John 17:14-16

a.      Jesus is not of this world.

b.     His ways are of God not worldly.

c.      His followers, including us, are not of this world.

d.     Like the originally disciples, we have the Word of God.

e.      If we keep it, our lives will be different than those around us.

f.      The world will hate us.

g.     Satan will be out to destroy us.

h.     Have you ever noticed that when you start devoting more time to prayer, digging into the Word, and sharing it with others… life gets hectic?

i.       That is Satan trying to get us to stop and to destroy our witness.

j.       Jesus’ prayer in vs. 15 is “That you protect them from the evil one.”

k.     That the Father would protect those that follow Jesus from Satan.

l.       We are not of this world.

m.   Colossians 1:13-14

n.     We are children of God.

o.     We are redeemed.

p.     We are protected by the Father.

11.  John 17:17

a.      Sanctify them.

b.     Set them apart for service to the kingdom of God.

c.      Use the Word of God to change us.

d.     Jesus is praying that the Father would use us to do His will.

e.      Set us apart so that we can live our lives honoring God.

12.  John 17:18-19

a.      Jesus came to this world to carry out the Father’s will.

b.     Each of us are called to point people to Jesus and ultimately to point them to the Father.

c.      We are to carry out God’s will as we share His truth with others.

d.     Be a witness to those around you and to the ends of the earth.

13.  John 17:20

a.      Jesus’ prayer for His disciples goes beyond those gathered with Him that night.

b.     It includes every believer who accepts the Gospel message.

c.      It includes every person who follows Jesus who has or will walk this earth.

d.     This prayer directly includes each of us.

14.  John 17:21

a.      Jesus’ prayer is that all believers will be united.

b.     Trusting in the Father, and following the Word.

c.      We are all part of the body of Christ, the Church.

d.     We should all be following the Truth He has given us.

e.      We are to be united as we carry out His will.

f.      Sadly, too many have turned away from God’s truth which adds division in what the world sees as the church.

g.     We focus first on the truth of God.

h.     Then work with others to carry His messages to the lost.

15.  John 17:22-23

a.      “I am in them and you are in me”

b.     Christ is in each one of us and He and the Father are connected.

c.      We are to be united with one message and one love.

d.     Why? So that the world will know that the Father sent Jesus.

e.      Generation after generation need to hear who Jesus is, that He is the Son of God and what He did for us.

f.      We learn to love, truly love as God does from the work of the Holy Sprit in us.

g.     That love is seen in how we live our lives, how we treat others, how we care for others.

h.     That love we show for each other, is a glimpse at the love that our God has for us.

i.       It is just a hint at how amazing His love is.

j.       But, it gives the world a taste at how awesome our God’s love is for us.

16.  John 17:24

a.      Jesus prays that we will be with Him and see Him in all His glory.

b.     Jesus wants those of us who choose Him - to spend forever with Him.

c.      Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, this is made possible.

d.     Believe in Him and you will see Jesus in all His glory.

e.      You will spend an eternity in His awesome presence.

17.  John 17:25-26

a.      Jesus has made the Father known to those who were paying attention.

b.     Jesus has glorified the Father by pointing to Him at all times.

c.      As followers of Christ, we are to honor God, we are to point people to Jesus which ultimately points people to the Father.

d.     As we live for God, His love will be seen in us.

e.      A love that led Jesus to the cross.

f.      A love that began between the Father and the Son.

18.  Jesus is about to face the worst time of His human life, and He set time aside to pray for us.

a.      A prayer that reminds us that we are not of this world, we are to be different.

b.     That we are to be united in the Word of God.

c.      That our salvation is secure by the sacrifice of our King.

d.     That our Hope is based in the fact that we will stand in the presence of God for all of eternity.

19.  Jesus is our Hope, our Strength, and so much more.

a.      If you don’t know Jesus, trust in Him before you stand before Him.

b.     If you do, draw near to Him and let Him work in you.


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