Sermon Notes - John 15:18-16:4 - Littleby Baptist Church - October 15, 2023


1.     Since Jesus told His disciples it was time to leave the upper room, He has continued to teach them.

a.      He talked about how He is the True Vine.

b.     As branches in the True Vine, we need to remain in Him.

c.      Easy way to remain in the Vine is to make Jesus a priority each and every day.

d.     If we make spending time with Him a key activity each day, it is more likely we will see God at work in and through us.

2.     In addition to remaining in the True Vine, we are to remain in the Love of our Savior.

a.      A love that cleansed us from our sins.

b.     A love that carries us through the darkest days of our lives.

c.      A love that shows our God treasured us even when we wallowed in sin.

d.     As we remain in the Love of Christ, we are to be lovingly obedient.

e.      We are to follow the commands we have been given.

f.      We are to do what we can to follow the Father’s will for our lives.

g.     We are to learn to depend on the completeness of our Lord’s love for us.

h.     Knowing that He will take care of all of our needs.

i.       Trusting that He is with us.

j.       Depend on the comfort that comes from being a child of the one true King.

3.     Jesus was reminding the Disciples that if they remain in Him and His love that they will not go through what is coming on their own.

a.      As we remain in Him the Holy Spirit works in us, the fruit manifests as we follow Him.

b.     As we remain in His love we care for each other and learn to depend on God.

c.      Sounds like Jesus knew something was going to happen.

d.     Earlier that evening He had been telling them about His coming death.

4.     John 15:18-19

a.      Jesus had just told the guys that they were His friends.

b.     As friends of Jesus they can expect to be hated.

c.      In some circles, what Scripture calls the World, can hate anything that is in alignment with the Bible.

d.     Hated because believers are different than the world.

e.      We see it today in that if we don’t affirm behaviors we are hated and accused of being hateful.

f.      The persecution we face in the USA is small in comparison to others.

g.     In China and most of the Middle East you can be arrested, tortured, and even killed for attending church or simply owning a Bible.

h.     For Jesus’ disciples’ hatred was coming.

5.     John 15:20-21

a.      Because the people of the world do not know the Father who sent Jesus, persecution will be coming.

b.     Jesus faced it, to the point of death.

c.      Those that follow Him will face some sort of persecution in our lives.

d.     As we identify as Christ followers, we are to follow Him through the Good and the Bad.

e.      When His blessings are upon us and when we are attacked for our beliefs.

f.      Those of us who know the Father will stand out from those who do not.

g.     It will help us to carry His message to the lost.

h.     But will also cause us to stand out in the crowd.

6.     John 15:22

a.      The OT Law pointed to what God expected.

b.     Many thought they were adhering to it, at least as good as humanly possible.

c.      They thought that was good enough.

d.     James 2:10

e.      Reality is, unless one adhered to the Law perfectly they are sinners.

f.      Many believed they were ok, but the truth is that we are all guilty of sin.

g.     May not have realized it before Jesus, but they did afterwards.

h.     Remember, Jesus said anger and lust are as bad as murder and adultery.

i.       What didn’t break the Law was still a sin.

j.       What wasn’t known then is known now.

7.     John 15:23

a.      Those that thought they were honoring God by hating Jesus and what He taught, were mistaken.

b.     They did not Love the Father and it was seen by their hatred of Jesus.

8.     John 15:24-25

a.      Jesus’ miracles left no doubt that Jesus had the hand of God on Him.

b.     The Jewish people should have been trying to understand who Jesus was, not turning on Him like they did.

c.      They had rejected God the Father for so long that they did not see the Son for who He is.

d.     The message that Jesus was from God was obvious.

e.      They rejected the message, the messenger, and the Father.

f.      They were blind to the truth.

g.     They embraced their sin.

9.     It is easy to fall into this trap.

a.      It is easy for us to hold on to our sin, our pride, addictions, insecurities, fear…

b.     It is easy to hold on to those things instead of letting God work on us.

c.      It is much easier to hold on to a sin we enjoy or brings us comfort than it is to let God push us to do something new.

d.     That is true for those who have yet to accept Christ.

e.      And it is true for each of us regardless of how long we have been walking with God.

f.      That is why we need to Remain in Christ and in His Love.

g.     We need to continually draw near to Him, remembering that we have not arrived… instead remember that God continues to be at work in us.

h.     It is easier to hold on to what we know than it is to change.

i.       Following Jesus will bring change, but He walk through it with us.

10.  John 15:26-27

a.      It will be hard, but we are not alone.

b.     The Holy Spirit is with us.

c.      He will work in us and help us understand the truth of God’s Word.

d.     He will work through us and guide us as we share the Gospel of Jesus with others.

e.      Acts 1:8

f.      We are never told to do it alone.

g.     With the power of the Holy Spirit we are to be witnesses to the world.

h.     We are to channel the message of Jesus to those who need to hear it.

i.       We are the channel, the tool, that God will use to tell people about His Son.

11.  John 16:1-2

a.      If the guys were wondering why Jesus was talking about persecution after talking about His coming death, He answers it.

b.     He does not want them to stumble when things get hard.

c.      He does not want them to fall away when trouble hits.

d.     People will turn on them.

e.      The disciples will be doing what is right in the eyes of God and will be persecuted for it.

f.      When we share the Gospel with others, we run the risk of rejection and hatred.

g.     Jesus let’s us know it can happen so that we are prepared.

h.     So that we can remember our Hope, Joy, and Peace come from Jesus not from things that happen to us.

12.  John 16:3-4

a.      The hardness of hearts exists in men.

b.     The hardness, the sin, is there because they have rejected God.

c.      That is why they do not see the Son or hear His message.

13.  Jesus shared this message as with many other things, to build the faith of His followers.

a.      His disciples would remember His teachings in the coming days, and it would strengthen their faith.

b.     They would see that what Jesus had told them was true, which would help them stand true when the attacks came.

c.      It would give many the courage and boldness to proclaim the message of Christ in the face of death.

14.  These words of truth are to encourage us.

a.      We read these Gospels 2,000 years later and all of it is history for us.

b.     When we remember that the things Jesus has been telling them about His death, His resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit are all in their future.

c.      Jesus was true to His word.

d.     He died.

e.      He rose again.

f.      He sent the Holy Spirit as was seen on the day of Pentecost.

g.     The Bible is full of prophesies that have been fulfilled.

h.     You can find some varying numbers, but Jesus fulfilled roughly 300 prophecies during His early ministry.

i.       Seeing that they have been fulfilled should strengthen our faith.

j.       Help us to trust the rest of Scripture.

k.     Help us to put our faith in our God.

15.  As we learn to trust in God and His Word, it is easier to stand strong when the storms hit.

a.      It is easier to trust that our God is with us when we are attacked for our faith.

b.     It is easier to share Jesus with others and not worry about how it will be received.

16.  Hardship is a part of this life.

17.  Persecution is a high probability.

18.  But Jesus being with those who are following Him is guaranteed.

19.  He will not leave us or forsake us.

20.  We are not alone.


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