
Showing posts from October, 2023

Sermon Notes - John 16:5-15 - Littleby Baptist Church - October 22, 2023

  1.      Remain in Jesus. a.       Choose to spend time with Jesus every day. 2.      Remain in His Love. a.       Follow God’s commands. b.      Learn to trust in His love for you. 3.      These were words Jesus used to remind the guys that they were not alone. 4.      Persecution was coming. a.       Today we see a strong reminder of persecution in Israel. b.      Following Jesus will not guarantee us a perfect life. c.       But we do not have to endure it on our own. d.      Jesus taught about how the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, will come and help us understand the truth. e.       He will help us when things get rough. f.       He will guide us as we spread the Truth o...

Sermon Notes - John 15:18-16:4 - Littleby Baptist Church - October 15, 2023

  1.      Since Jesus told His disciples it was time to leave the upper room, He has continued to teach them. a.       He talked about how He is the True Vine. b.      As branches in the True Vine, we need to remain in Him. c.       Easy way to remain in the Vine is to make Jesus a priority each and every day. d.      If we make spending time with Him a key activity each day, it is more likely we will see God at work in and through us. 2.      In addition to remaining in the True Vine, we are to remain in the Love of our Savior. a.       A love that cleansed us from our sins. b.      A love that carries us through the darkest days of our lives. c.       A love that shows our God treasured us even when we wallowed in sin. d.      As we remain in the...