Sermon Notes - John 7:1-24 - Littleby Baptist Church - March 19, 2023

1.     In the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John we see Jesus do things that no other human can.

a.      He explains that Salvation is easier than most make it, we simply need to believe in Him.

b.     Sadly, many could not accept that Jesus came from the Father.

c.      Some could not understand what Jesus was saying and walked away.

d.     Faith is not always easy.

e.      Hebrews 11:1

f.      We have to accept things as true because God says they are, even if we cannot prove it.

g.     As we sit here today, we have not seen Jesus and we have not seen the Father.

h.     We are to trust that Jesus is who He says He is.

i.       We have to have Faith that the Word of God is real.

j.       It is not see and believe, it is believe and watch God’s Word play out before you for all of eternity.

2.     John 7:1

a.      He was in Capernaum and then travels to Galilee as it was not the time to engage with those in Judea.

b.     Wasn’t time for Jesus to climb on the cross.

3.     John 7:2

a.      The beginning of Chapter 6 was before Passover, a little more than a year before Jesus climbed on that cross.

b.     Here we are heading into the Feast of the Tabernacles, the Festival of the Shelters… this is roughly 6 months later.

4.     John 7:3

a.      The sons of Mary and Jospeh were looking for that triumphant king.

b.     They wanted Jesus to go and prove that He was that man.

c.      If He did, they argued that those that left Him would end up following Him once again.

5.     John 7:4-5

a.      They did not understand and challenged Jesus to go do some grandiose Sign.

b.     Perform the miracle of miracles.

c.      Do something to ‘show Himself to the world.’

d.     They wanted to see if Jesus could do what He said, as they did not believe in Him.

6.     John 7:6

a.      Jesus could easily due what they were asking, but it was not time for Him to pay the price of sins.

b.     It was not the time for Him to pay for our salvation.

c.      He told His brothers, that their time is always at hand.

d.     At any time, they could choose to believe.

e.      They don’t need to wait for some great miracle, they simply needed to believe.  

7.     John 7:7

a.      Those engulfed in worldly lives hated Jesus.

b.     Jesus spoke the Truth, He challenged those who embraced the world.

c.      When Jesus told His brothers that the world cannot hate you, He was giving them a hard truth.

d.     The world cannot hate them because they are of the world.

e.      They did not see the truth.

f.      They did not trust that Jesus is who He said He was.

g.     They were looking for the triumphant king, not the one who brought the ultimate sacrifice.

h.     Their faith was in the sacrificial system, not the King of kings.

i.       A hard truth that all of us needed to or need to, hear at some point.

8.     John 7:8-9

a.      He was not going… yet.

b.     He stayed in Galilee for a bit longer as his brothers went up to the festival.

9.     John 7:10

a.      While Jesus made His way to the festival, He did it in secret.

b.     It was not time for Him to die on that cross.

c.      It was not time for Him to be handed over to those who wanted to kill Him.

d.     So, He went but kept it secret.

e.      Not out of fear, but because the time had not come for His death and resurrection.

f.      Every action was part of the Father’s plan.

10.   John 7:11-13

a.      People were talking about Jesus.

b.     Some good, some not good.

c.      Some did not understand, but thought He was a good man.

d.     But the opposition to Jesus and His teaching was growing.

e.      Some of it influenced by the fear of the Jews, meaning a fear of the religious leaders.

f.      Those that were supposed to be guiding people to see Jesus for who He really is, were pushing people to turn against Him.

g.     We know it was needed for God’s Plan to be carried out, but still sad to see that people would lead others away from God.

h.     I have sympathy for those who are lead astray, but that sympathy does not exist for any who know they are purposefully leading people away from God.

i.       False teachers, fake religions, politics, and so much more is leading people away from Christ.

11.  John 7:14-15

a.      Jesus may have taken a roundabout way of getting there, but He did not hide once He arrived.

b.     He taught in the Temple Courts; He was front and center for any and all to hear Him.

c.      Here is another hint that Jesus is God, He was teaching as one who would have discipled under a respected Rabbi.

d.     But He never sat under a Rabbi.

e.      He had the knowledge without the training.

f.      He knew more than anyone there because He is God.

12.  John 7:16

a.      Who sent Jesus, God the Father.

b.     Who did Jesus learn from, God the Father.

c.      Being in communion with the Father, being connected to Him, meant that He had all the knowledge and wisdom He could ever need.

13.  John 7:17

a.      To know if the teaching is real, one must know God.

b.     How do we know God, by believing in the one the Father sent.

c.      Believe in Jesus, let the Holy Spirit work in us, and we will begin to understand Godly knowledge and wisdom.

d.     Simply put, we need to believe to understand.

14.  John 7:18

a.      Jesus was not working to elevate Himself.

b.     He was paving the way to the Father.

c.      He was going to die a dishonorable death; He was sacrificing Himself in a shameful way.

d.     That is the act of a man who was serving others not elevating Himself.

e.      As we live this life, as followers of Christ, we are to give all the honor to God.

f.      We are nothing without Him.

g.     It is not our skills or resources that allow us to accomplish things.

h.     It has all been given to us by the Father.

i.       He deserves the Honor and Glory.

15.  John 7:19

a.      Jesus is standing in the temple courts.

b.     The religious leaders who are out to get Him are there.

c.      Jesus knows their hearts.

d.     He knows there is hate in them.

e.      Matthew 5:21-22

f.      Hatred is on the same level as murder in God’s eyes.

g.     But, beyond that Jesus knew that the hatred would lead them to act on it and ultimately work to have Him killed.

h.     If they carry out what is in their hearts, they are sinning.

i.       If they conspire and give false testimony, they have sinned.

j.       If they bribe someone, they have sinned.

k.     I am sure we could add to the list.

l.       The spiritual leaders that were there were not honoring God and following the law.

m.   They were chasing their own self interests.

16.  John 7:20

a.      Imagine calling the Light of men, darkness, demon possessed, or evil.

b.     Instead of hearing the rebuke of their sin, the people lashed out.

c.      They denied the accusation.

d.     John 5:18

e.      They were out to get Jesus.

f.      They did not like that He said He came from the Father.

g.     They hated that He challenged the status quo by healing on the Sabbath.

h.     They were against His teachings.

i.       They wanted to remain in control.

17.  John 7:21-23

a.      Jesus is pointing out the hypocrisy of those accusing Him.

b.     How is it ok to break the Sabbath for circumcision but not for healing?

c.      It is not ok, and Jesus was challenging their stance.

d.     I wonder what in our lives, our practices, do we justify or say are ok, but other things are not?

e.      Something for us to pray about.

18.  John 7:24

a.      The teachers did not understand Scripture.

b.     They followed the rules but did not see the Words of God for what they were.

c.      John 5:39-40

d.     They poured over Scripture but did not see that it points to Jesus.

e.      Matthew 23:23

f.      They pay attention to the little things, but miss justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

g.     Jesus was calling them to repent of their sinful ways.

h.     Repent for not following the Father and His Words.

i.       Repent and turn to Jesus.

j.       Turn from your sinful ways and follow Jesus.

19.    True faith, faith in God, faith in Jesus… is what is needed.

a.      Faith in rules, things we can touch, will get us nowhere.

b.     Faith in what we know and what we can do, are good for this world but not for our eternity.

c.      We must learn to trust in the teachings of God.

d.     We are to have faith that Jesus is the Son of God.

e.      That He came to this earth to pay for our sin.

f.      That Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

g.     That He is our only Hope.

h.     Then we need to follow Him.

i.       Whether we are taking that first step or have been following Jesus for years, we need to take that next step.

j.       Grow in faith.

k.     Give more and more of our lives to our God.

l.       Trusting that He will help us to grow, to perfect our faith.

20.  The question today, is where do you need to trust in God more?

a.      What do you need to give to God and let Him lead?

b.     What is preventing us from trusting in Him so that we can take that next step?

c.      Pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit to show you and to work in you to make it possible.


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