Sermon Notes - John 5:31-47 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 5, 2023

1.     As we continue in John 5, we are continuing the same conversation that all stemmed from Jesus healing the paralyzed man.

a.      The people were not happy that Jesus was not following their man-made additions to God’s commands.

b.     Jesus continued by explaining to them that He and the Father are connected.

c.      That Jesus is doing the will of the Father.

d.     That the Father has given Him the authority over life and judgement.

e.      He even pointed to the coming Salvation He would be offering to them.

2.     Based on what we know about how the events play out over the rest of Jesus’ earthly life.

a.      Some believed Him and their lives were changed.

b.     Some fought against Jesus and helped facilitate His death on the cross.

c.      I would say there were also many who were indifferent and walked away without truly Hearing what Jesus was saying.

3.     We have the same groups today.

a.      Those who believe and see Jesus at work in their lives.

b.     Those that are in full on rebellion and are choosing to reject the gift Jesus has offered.

c.      Then there are those who don’t know, haven’t heard, or want to stay away from anything that might change their lives.

4.     As we continue to spend time in prayer…

a.      We need to pray for those who need the Lord’s strength to stand on the Truth.

b.     We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to break through the darkness in this world and people’s hearts.

c.      We need to pray that the Holy Spirit helps those who are indifferent to see that they are choosing wrath over life with God.

d.     No choice is truly a choice for the wrong path.

5.     John 5:31

a.      When a person talks about themselves, they may share things through rose colored glasses.

                                                    i.     They may only share the good.

b.     From a legal perspective, if someone makes a claim, they need witnesses and evidence to back it up.

c.      Biblical law requires two witnesses for something to be legally valid.

d.     Jesus is agreeing with Biblical law stating that if what He was saying was only based on His words, then it is not legally valid.

6.     John 5:32

a.      Jesus is saying He has a witness who testifies for Him.

b.     God the Father testifies for Him.

c.      Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen that Jesus is doing the Father’s will.

d.     Which would make sense that the Father would testify and be a witness for the Son.

e.      We will get to this a bit more in a couple of verses.

7.     John 5:33

a.      John the Baptist testified about Jesus.

b.     John 1:29-36

c.      John’s ministry was all about pointing people to Jesus.

d.     He was testifying that Jesus is God.

8.     John 5:34

a.      John was correct.

b.     His testimony was true.

c.      But Jesus is saying He is not counting on John’s testimony alone.

d.     He brings it up to remind people about what was said.

e.      His hope is that eyes will be opened by it and that they will accept the gift that is being offered.

f.      If Jesus is able to remind people of what John said, maybe, just maybe, they will accept the words that He is speaking.

g.     Maybe they will accept the truth He is sharing.

9.     John 5:35

a.      John was a light bearer.

b.     He carried the message of Hope to those who needed it.

c.      He was not the savior but pointed people to the coming One.

d.     People found hope in John’s ministry for a time.

10.  John 5:36

a.      John the Baptist faithfully pointed people to Jesus.

b.     Jesus is saying that the testimony from the Father is greater than John’s.

c.      The work that Jesus is doing, the miracles that He is performing, the fact that He is carrying out the Father’s will all testify about who Jesus is.

d.     Isaiah 35:5-6

e.      Jesus is performing Signs that were prophesied about.

f.      The prophecies came from God, the fulfillment of them is solid testimony that Jesus is from the Father.

11.  John 5:37

a.      The Father used John the Baptist to testify about Jesus.

b.     The miracles that Jesus is performing is testifying about Him.

c.      The prophecies that are being fulfilled our pointing to Jesus.

d.     It is through these types of things that the Father testifies about His Son.

e.      Those who Jesus is talking to, have not heard God speak like He did to the Israelites in the wilderness.

f.      They have not seen the glory of God fill the temple or lead them in a pillar of smoke or fire.

g.     They need to listen to the words Jesus is sharing and look at the Signs being performed that fulfill prophecy.

12.  John 5:38

a.      Remember Jesus is talking to those that are angry that He healed a man on the Sabbath.

b.     As God, He knows what’s in their hearts.

c.      He knows that they continue to reject what He is saying.

d.     The signs and the words mean nothing to them.

e.      As they reject Jesus and His message, they are rejecting the Father.

13.  John 5:39-40

a.      The Jewish scholars believed that those who were ignorant of the Word of God were condemned.

b.     They believed knowing the Word, following the sacrifices, and all the rules would save them.

c.      But even knowing the OT scriptures as well as they did, they could not see that Jesus was the fulfillment of many prophecies.

d.     Even with Him standing before them performing miracles, they were blind.

e.      They were ‘not willing’, they were choosing the life they were living over Jesus.

f.      They denied the truth and their hearts were hard.

g.     Sadly, we know people like this.

h.     We need to pray for them and live life alongside of them.

i.       Letting God use us to speak into their lives.

14.  John 5:41-42

a.      Some more harsh words.

b.     Jesus is not worried about glory, acceptance, or endorsement from the Jewish leaders.

c.      If we reflect on what He has been saying, He does not need their blessing as He has the Father’s.

d.     He knows what is in their hearts.

e.      Deuteronomy 6:5

f.      They are supposed to be loving God with everything they are.

g.     Instead, they are more focused on their rules, things that have been created by man.

h.     Makes me think of Romans 1:25.

i.       Based on their reaction and Jesus’ response, those words were true then.

j.       Based on what is ‘worshipped’ in the world today, they are true today.

k.     The love of the world is for the world, things, thoughts, and desires that come from man not from God.

l.       The Jewish leaders had lost their love for God.

m.   Many people today have done the same.

15.  John 5:43-44

a.      The Father’s messenger, the Son, is there and they reject Him.

b.     The proof is right before them with the Signs He is performing, yet they reject Him.

c.      Jesus healed a paralyzed man.

d.     Something that did not happen on a regular basis.

e.      Something that could not be done without God’s hand.

f.      Yet, they rejected Jesus.

g.     The truth is before all humankind, yet many reject Jesus.

h.     We see God in the creation around us.

i.       We have His Word to teach us.

j.       Yet, many turn away.

16.  Jesus talks about them accepting someone else…

a.      The people were more concerned with following mans rules than they were listening to God.

b.     Picking up a mat and walking on the Sabbath a big No.

c.      Healing a man was absolutely work and must be avoided.

d.     People wanted to be accepted by those around them, those who are in power, those who can impact their lives.

e.      Their focus was on man not God.

f.      Again, we can paint that same picture today.

g.     Many have accepted things that are clearly against Biblical teaching just so that they are not going against the grain.

h.     It is easier to go with the flow than to stand on the truth of God.

i.       I recently heard it put this way, ‘Any dead fish can go with the flow.’

j.       As followers of Jesus, we are not called to go with the flow.

k.     Going with the flow, would accept that there are many ways to Glory.

l.       Jesus tells us He is the only way to the Father.

m.   Going with the flow would mean accepting that what is right for an individual is up to the individual.

n.     God’s Word is the truth, it is the measure for what is right.

o.     We need to follow the truth that has been given to us, not something from man, not our own desires.  

17.  John 5:45-47

a.      Some more hard words for the good Jewish person to hear.

b.     Jesus is pointing out that their failure to follow the Law accused them.

c.      Beyond that, if they truly understood the law, they would see that Jesus had come to fulfill it.

d.     Rejection of the Words they claimed to hold on to lead directly to them rejecting Jesus.

18.  The Jewish people were rejecting the truth that came from Jesus.

19.  People today are doing the same.

20.  Hold onto the Truth, the Word of God, so that you will not go with the flow.

21.  Hold onto the Truth so that you can stand strong against the current of today’s world.

22.  Pray for that strength.

23.  Pray that eyes are opened before it is to late.

24.  Starting right here… if we are choosing man over God, our eyes need to be opened to the truth so that we can repent.

25.  As we pray, if there is anything you need to bring to God… please do it now.

26.  If there is anything you would like to pray about, I am here.

27.  If you are unsure of your salvation, I would love to talk to you.


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