Sermon Notes - John 5:24-30 - Littleby Baptist Church - January 22, 2023

 1.     Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath and got people in an uproar.

a.      They did not like that He did not follow the man-made rules.

2.     If that was not enough, Jesus claimed that God was His Father.

a.      They were alike.

b.     Mentioned that the Father loves the Son.

c.      That the Son knows what the Father wants Him to do.

d.     That the Father had given life giving power and authority to judge to the Son.  

3.     The Jews could not believe that this poor son of a carpenter would claim to be one with God.

a.      They were so focused on their way, that they did not see truth that was right before them.

b.     The sin in their lives blinded them.

c.      They did not understand the truth that would be revealed later.

d.     The truth that Jesus is God and could set them free from their sin.

e.      The truth that His death and resurrection paid for our sins and granted us an eternity with the Father.

f.      A truth that the New Testament spells out for us, which hopefully makes it easier for us to grasp.

g.     The truth that Jesus is more than a man, He is God.

4.     John 5:24

a.      Because of what we looked at last week.

b.     Because Jesus is the Son to Father God.

c.      Because Jesus is about the Father’s business.

d.     Because of the Love of the Father for the Son.

e.      Because the Son has the power to raise the dead and give life.

f.      Because of the relationship between the Father and the Son, as well as what the Son did…

g.     Those that believe the words of Jesus will have eternal life.

h.     Not eternal judgement due to our sin, but eternal life with the Father through the work of the Son.

5.     John 5:25

a.      A time is coming when people will respond to the voice of Jesus and will live.

b.     Those listening to Him likely did not understand and some probably did not care.

c.      Those that listened then and those who respond today, receive that life giving resurrection power that comes from our Lord.

d.     When someone today truly responds to Jesus, they are not persuaded by a smooth talker, a catchy phrase, some program, or activity.

e.      True repentance and submission to God can only come about by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

f.      When one responds to the Good News of Jesus, it is not a warm and fuzzy feeling that carries them through life.

g.     It is the resurrection power of God that brings new life into them.

6.     Ephesians 2:4-5

a.      We are dead because of the sin in our lives.

b.     But through our faith in Jesus and the Grace He is showing us, we are made alive in Christ!

c.      When we HEAR Jesus, not just hear the words, but truly HEAR Him in a way that changes our lives… we will truly live.

d.     We live this life holding onto the Hope we have in our Savior.

e.      Live this life following Him to the best of our ability.

f.      Live for all eternity in His Awesome presence.

7.     John 5:26

a.      Colossians 1:19-20

                                                    i.     All the Father’s fullness is in the Son.

                                                  ii.     What power the Father has, the Son has.

b.     John 1:3

                                                    i.     As creator of all things, Jesus is the giver of life.

c.      John 1:4

                                                    i.     Jesus is Life for all those that believe in Him.

d.     The Son has the power of Life in Him.

e.      He creates all things.

f.      He has provided a path for restoration so that all can live forever with the Father.

g.     Jesus is the giver of life.

h.     Life through creation.

i.       And Life through Restoration for those who have sinned and are seeking Him.

8.     John 5:27

a.      The Son of Man… a person who is God, one who is Human, and who was prophesied about.

b.     Daniel 7:13-14

c.      The Son of Man, Jesus, has been given the authority to Judge.

d.     As one who is fully Human, He understands Pain, Loss, and Temptation.

e.      As one who is fully God, He has the authority to grant us an eternity in Glory or in agony.

f.      The Son having firsthand experience as a human and also being God, is uniquely qualified to be our Judge.

9.     John 5:28-29

a.      Don’t be amazed about what Jesus has said so far.

b.     Don’t think that all of that is beyond His ability.

c.      When Jesus is saying that those who believe will be saved from their sin, from a human perspective that is easier to grasp than what is coming.

d.     With Jesus being God,

e.      With Him being one with the Father.

f.      With Him being the Light that sines in the darkness, forgiving of sins is right up His alley.

g.     Don’t be amazed at that.

h.     But a time is coming when those who are in the graves, those who have died, will respond to Jesus’ voice.

10.  Daniel 12:1-2

a.      The angel told Daniel this was going to happen.

b.     There will be a time when those who had gone before will be physically resurrected.

c.      They will stand before the white throne of Judgement.

d.     Revelation 20:11-15

e.      Those who did good to life eternal.

f.      Those who did wicked things to condemnation.

11.  Don’t be amazed when Jesus says He can give life and Judge, because He will be doing that for all who have ever lived.

12.  There is no limit to what Jesus can and will do.

13.  When we read the words in John, it almost sounds like Jesus is saying that those who ‘did’ good or wicked things are judged accordingly.

a.      To be clear, salvation or condemnation are not by what we do in this life.

b.     John 6:28-29

c.      I think these verses sum up John’s thoughts on how we do good.

d.     We believe in the one that the Father has sent to save us.

e.      We believe in Jesus Christ.

f.      It is through that belief that we live differently.

14.  John 14:15 – We obey our God.

15.  John 15:5-7 – We remain in Christ, we draw near to Him, we let Him work in us, we depend on Him.

16.  1 John 1:7 – We walk in the light, we let Jesus shine His light on us.

a.      We let Him point out our sin and guide us on how to live.

17.  For those who do good, we have chosen to follow Jesus and are saved by His sacrifice.

a.      Our life, our choices, and action will reflect it.

18.  John 3:36

a.      The one who reject the Son of God will face the wrath of God.

19.  The whole doing good or wicked to be resurrected to life or condemnation, all has to do with belief in or rejection of Jesus.

a.      Believe in Jesus and have eternal life.

b.     Reject the gift that God is given and face the wrath of God.

20.  John 5:30

a.      Jesus summarizes some of what He has been talking about in the verses we have looked at this morning and last week.

b.     He is one with the Father and nothing that He does is outside of the Father’s will.

c.      While He is the judge, He is righteous and judges according to the Father’s will.

d.     Everything that Jesus did when He walked this earth was in complete alignment with the Father’s will.

21.  The only way to the Father is through the Son.

22.  These words were being spoken by Jesus after a group of Jews sought to persecute Him.

a.      These would be people who were rejecting the gift of Grace and Mercy He was offering.

b.     They were turning away from the truth that He was sharing.

c.      He was trying to get them to change their ways.

d.     There are many today that reject the truth of Jesus.

e.      Some don’t want to hear what He has said or care about what He has done.

f.      Most just don’t realize how important the message of the cross is.

g.     Most don’t understand that what we choose when it comes to Jesus is a life or wrath choice.

h.     We need to pray that eyes are opened to the truth.

i.       We need to share as the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities to share.

23.  If you are sitting here today and have not turned to Jesus and want to have eternal life instead of eternal wrath, I would love to talk to you.


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