Sermon Notes - Psalms 23 - The Good Shepherd - Littleby Baptist Church - November 13, 2022

1.     The 1st Psalms was reminding us to delight in the Lord’s instructions.

a.      Spend time studying the Word of God.

2.     The 3rd Psalms helps us to see that God is with us always.

a.      As He was a shield around David when he was running for his life.

b.     He is a shield around us, protecting us as we draw near to Him.

c.      As He gave David rest, He gives us rest in the face of persecution.

d.     Our salvation belongs to the Lord.

e.      We are victorious through Him.

f.      The question is, are we confident that God is with us?

g.     We should use David’s example and trust in our God.

h.     Trust that He is working in us.

i.       Trust that He is always with us.

3.     This will be the final Psalms in our short interlude from the Gospel of John.

a.      Today’s Psalms is the top searched for Psalms according to Google.

b.     Many people have memorized a portion or all of if.

c.      6 simple verses in which David reflected on the blessings the Lord has provided him even in the face of danger.

4.     Open your Bibles to Psalms 23.

5.     Psalms 23:1

a.      David is using an example that people of his day would have understood.

b.     David was very familiar with went it means to be a shepherd, as can be seen in 1 Samuel.

c.      David was tending sheep when Samuel came to anoint the son of Jesse as the next king of God’s people.

d.     Jesus was prophesied with the characteristics of a shepherd.

e.      Isaiah 40:11

f.      The coming Messiah will be a shepherd who protects and gathers His flock.

g.     He carries them in their time and need and gently leads them as they grow.

h.     John 10:11; 14

i.       Jesus is the Good Shepheard who lays down His life for His sheep.

j.       Jesus knows those that follow Him.

k.     As our Shepherd, our Lord loves us, protects us, and guides us.

l.       Because of His love for us, our future, our hope is secure.

m.   If He is our Lord, we will spend forever with Him.

n.     But what about this side of eternity?

o.     I think it is safe to say that David had times of plenty and times of nothing in his life.

p.     He knew what it was to go hungry and wonder if he would see the next day.

q.     When David states, ‘I shall not want.’ He is saying that God will provide what is needed. Not what is desired, but what is needed to carry out the Lord’s will.

r.      The words of David, the prophet Isaiah, and Jesus tell us that the Good Shepherd will take care of His sheep.

6.     Psalms 23:2a

a.      “He maketh me to line down in green pastures:”

b.     Shepherds tend to take their sheep to the best areas they can find for grazing.

c.      Our God does this for us.

d.     Does not mean we eat filet mignon for dinner each night.

e.      The green pastures are a reference to spiritual grazing.

f.      Our Lord feeds our soul.

g.     He gives us His word.

h.     He provides wisdom and understanding for what it means.

i.       1 Peter 2:2-3

j.       We grow as followers of Jesus by being nourished by the Word of God.

k.     That is why we are to delight in it.  

7.     Psalms 23:2b-3a

a.      “He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul:”

b.     Matthew 11:28

c.      As we follow Jesus, our Shepherd, He provides us rest.

d.     He restores our soul.

e.      He wipes away the dirt, the sin, and gives us forgiveness and peace.

f.      Revelation 7:17

g.     Ultimately when we join our Lord in eternity, when the new Jerusalem is revealed, their will be no more tears, their will be no more pain.

h.     One day we will be filled with pure Peace.

8.     Psalms 23:3b

a.      “He leadeth me in the paths of rightness for his name’s sake.”

b.     David is saying that God guides him in the right way to live.

c.      1 John 1:9

d.     If we repent our Lord will cleanse us form all unrighteousness.

e.      We tend to focus on the wiping away of our sins, which is correct.

f.      When Jesus becomes our Lord and Savior, He does just that.

g.     But as our Good Shepherd, He is also our guide.

h.     He knows the best path for us to walk.

i.       He instructs us with His Word, another reason to delight in it.

j.       As we draw near to Him, as we grown in our faith and knowledge of Him, He leads us.

k.     Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life… As our shepherd

                                                    i.     He is showing us the way to live our lives.

                                                  ii.     He has given us His Truth.

                                                iii.     He is offering eternal life in glory to all who follow Him.

l.       As followers of Jesus, we are God’s children.

m.   He will not leave us as He found us.

n.     He will work in us, mold us, shape us, and change us.

o.     As Jesus works in us, as we follow Him, He is glorified by the changes in our lives.

9.     Psalms 23:4

a.      A shepherd protects his flock.

b.     When the shepherd boy David was talking to king Saul, he talked about how he as a shepherd protected his flock.

c.      1 Samuel 17:32-37

d.     David, while trusting in God, protected his flock form the lions and the bears.

e.      He did not back down.

f.      If a young boy did this for his sheep, how much more will our Shepherd do it for us?

g.     When we are faced with those shadows of death, those deep dark valleys in life, our God is with us.

h.     Hebrews 13:5 “I will never leave you or abandon you.”

i.       We may feel alone at times, but as a follower of Jesus, as a child of God, we are never alone.

j.       We are never facing situations that our Lord Jesus, our Shepherd, is not aware of.

k.     He knows what is before us and He will never leave us.

l.       He is THE Good Shepherd who cares for His flock.

10.  Psalms 23:5

a.      Our Lord is a gracious host.

b.     As the host, He places those at His table under His protection.

c.      John 10:27-30

d.     As followers of Jesus, we are His.

e.      We are under His protection.

f.      No one can take our Hope away from us.

g.     The devil can try every trick in the book to no avail.

h.     Our salvation is secure in Jesus.

i.       Our eternity is guaranteed by our Good Shepperd.

j.       The anointing with oil David mentions, represents being refreshed and rejuvenated by our God.

k.     Romans 15:13

l.       Being in the presence of our Jesus, having the Holy Spirit at work in us… brings Joy, Peace, and Hope.

m.   As we rest in the presence of our God, we are refreshed and rejuvenated regardless of what we are facing.

n.     David mentions that his cup runneth over.

o.     David is declaring that even in the face of his enemies God continues to bless him.

p.     Set aside the things in our lives.

q.     Even look past the people for a moment.

r.      If Jesus is your Lord and Savior, your cup is running over.

s.      You have more than you need.

t.       Your salvation is secure.

u.     Regardless of the valley you may be in, your Lord is with you.

v.     You are saved.

w.    You are loved.

x.     You are victorious.

y.     Even though it may not seem like it, your cup runneth over.

11.  Psalms 23:6

a.      The Lord’s goodness and mercy, His love, is not limited to today.

b.     As followers of Jesus, His love and everything that comes with it is for all eternity.

c.      It is not limited by our circumstances.

d.     It is not limited by our inability to live perfectly and earn our salvation.

e.      The Lord’s love and eternal blessings are with all who follow Him.

f.      Days on this side of eternity are going to be rough.

g.     We will fall to our knees at times crying out.

h.     But our Lord Jesus will be with us!

i.       We will dwell in His house forever.

12.  This Psalms teaches us that regardless of what the devil throws our way…

a.      Regardless of how hard this life may be…

b.     Our Good Shepherd… gives us what we need.

c.      He gives us His Word.

d.     He gives us rest.

e.      He fills us with His Peace, Joy, and Hope.

f.      If Jesus is our Lord and Savior, that cannot be taken away from us.

g.     There is nothing that can separate us from the Love of our God.

h.     If you know Jesus this morning, continue to draw near to Him and trust in His faithful love.

i.       If you don’t know Jesus, I encourage you to put your trust in Him and watch Him change your life.

j.       If you don’t know Him, I would love to talk to you about Jesus.  


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