Sermon Notes - John 4:27-42 - Jesus in Samaria - Littleby Baptist Church - November 27, 2022
1. Jesus sitting at a well had a conversation with a Samaritan Woman. a. He ignored societal norms. b. He used her current situation and where they were sitting to get her attention. c. In talking about her current marital status, Jesus showed that He was more than a man. d. He had a greater understanding than she knew. e. Jesus went on to point out that a time was coming when who you were and where you worshipped did not matter. f. What matters is that you worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. g. Worshipping God starts in our hearts and minds and becomes a way of life. h. The woman’s eyes were being opened to the truth. i. She understood that the Messiah would explain everything to ...