Sermon Notes - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 - Love God - Littleby Baptist Church at New Hope - October 23, 2022 PM Service

1.     The Book of Deuteronomy was given to the people of Israel through Moses.

a.      It was a reminder of the mistakes they had, but more important it was to teach them to follow the commands given by God.

2.     First few chapters.

a.      We see Israel disobey God.

b.     We see them being triumphant as they listen to Him.

c.      They are called to Obey and Worship the one and only True God.

d.     They are given a review of the Ten Commandments.

e.      They are warned about what will happen if they turn away from God.

3.     In chapter six Moses is explaining some of the things the people did not hear when they were afraid of hearing the voice of God directly.

4.     Deuteronomy 6:1-3

a.      Moses is reminding people that the commands of God were given so that the people can remember who God is.

b.     They are to revere Him; in that they understand that God is ultimately in control.

c.      They need to follow His commands.

d.     If they do, they will continue to see God work in their favor.

e.      Specifically, Moses is talking about the promised land that they are about to claim.

f.      But the core of it, that applies to us, is that if we follow God, trust in Him, He works in our lives.

5.     One of the key things in these first verses is that the commands are for them, their sons, and their grandsons.

6.     The command to revere and obey God is for each and every generation.

7.     The command we will be digging into a bit, is for every generation to follow. Even today and those that will come after us.

8.     It is a reminder that we are to make sure we are sharing our Jesus with our children, grandchildren, and beyond.

9.     Each generation is to lay the foundation for those that come after it.

10.  Deuteronomy 6:4

a.      This verse is seen as a confession of faith in Judaism.

b.     It means that our God is One, He is unique, there is none like Him.

c.      It brought a sense of security that those who worshipped pagan gods did not have.

d.     If you think of the stories about the Greek or Roman gods, they put their own wishes and desires over those of that worshipped them. They were not faithful to their followers.

e.      Re-read vs 4.

f.      The God of Israel is nothing like the pagan gods.

g.     First and foremost, He is real, and they are not.

h.     He is the only One, so there is no infighting.

i.       He is faithful as has been proven by His actions for the people of Israel.

j.       This is a reminder to trust in God.

k.     To remember that He is the One and Only God.

l.       A reminder for the people of Israel and for us.

11.  Deuteronomy 6:5

a.      To Love the Lord… to choose Him, to obey His commands, to follow Him.

b.     Love Him, by making Him the priority in our lives.

c.      Love Him, by having Him be the center of each of our relationships.

d.     Trust that He has our best interests at heart.

e.      Know that He will never leave us of forsake us.

12.  ‘Love the Lord your God’ is followed with three ways that emphasizes how complete our Love for Him is to be.

a.      With all your heart… do not love anything else more than you do your God.

                                                    i.     Might be easy when we talk about loving our cars.

                                                  ii.     Is harder when we talk about our spouses, children, and grandchildren.

                                                iii.     As much as we love them, as much as we cherish them, our God needs to be first in our hearts. 

b.     With all your soul… means learning to trust in His will for our lives.

                                                    i.     Finding comfort in knowing that He will take care of us.

                                                  ii.     Finding Joy and Peace in being His beloved children.

c.      With all your strength… a love that will persevere in the good times and the bad.

                                                    i.     A love that will not faulter because we are in a valley of despair.

                                                  ii.     A love that will remain strong even when we do not understand what is happening in our lives.

d.     When we love our Lord, we are to hold nothing back.

e.      We are to love with every ounce of our being.

f.      We are to trust in Him and Him alone.

13.  Deuteronomy 6:6-7

a.      Moses was reminding the people of Israel that they needed to hold onto these truths.

b.     They need to talk about God and His Word with others, making them a focal point in their conversations with their children and with others.

c.      They need to make sure the next generation is hearing the truth.

d.     If they are talking about them while sitting in their house, they are remembering who God is and their love for Him as they make plans for the future.

e.      If they are repeating them as they walk along the road, they are letting the Word of God guide them as they go about life.

f.      If they are remembering all that God has done when they lie down and get up, they are being thankful for what God has done and keeping Him front and center when they start and end their days.

g.     Each one of us are to keep our Jesus front and center of our lives.

h.     Every aspect of our lives.

i.       When we make plans, Jesus is to be our focus.

j.       He is to guide our steps.

k.     We need to remember all that He has done for us.

14.  Deuteronomy 6:8-9

a.      Some have taken these two verses literally, but the point that is being made is that the Word of God is to be at the forefront of our lives.

b.     We need to continue to read the Word.

c.      Discuss the Word.

d.     Turn to the Word when we have questions.

e.      Trust that the Word is true.

f.      Depend on its teachings as we walk this earth.

g.     Teach it to any and all who will listen.

h.     Use it as the foundation as we teach the generations that follow.

15.  When we look at these verses and the command that is given, we are reminded that Our God is the One and Only God.

a.      We are to love Him with our whole being.

b.     With everything we have.

c.      That Love is not limited to when we are with our church buddies.

d.     It is to be a part of our daily lives.

e.      From the moment we awake, to the moment we go to sleep.

f.      When things are going great, and we want to praise God at the top of our lungs.

g.     And when things are rough and all we want to do is sit down and cry.

16.  Love God with all that you are.

a.      With all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

b.     Love Him, trust in Him, and share Him.


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