Sermon Notes - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 - Love God - Littleby Baptist Church at New Hope - October 23, 2022 PM Service
1. The Book of Deuteronomy was given to the people of Israel through Moses. a. It was a reminder of the mistakes they had, but more important it was to teach them to follow the commands given by God. 2. First few chapters. a. We see Israel disobey God. b. We see them being triumphant as they listen to Him. c. They are called to Obey and Worship the one and only True God. d. They are given a review of the Ten Commandments. e. They are warned about what will happen if they turn away from God. 3. In chapter six Moses is explaining some of the things the people did not hear when they were afraid of hearing the voice of God directly. 4. Deuteronomy 6:1-3 a. Moses is remind...