Talent and Testimony Sunday - Prophecy Notes - Littleby Baptist Church - July 31, 2022


The heads of Russia, Iran, and Turkey held a summit on July 19th.

These 3 countries are believed to be a part of those who will attack Israel.

Ezekiel 38:1-6


These are 3 countries with failing economies.

What is one of the primary drivers of the war on Israel? Financial gains.

Ezekiel 38:10-13

When the conglomerate of nations attack Israel, they will be going after the spoils, the riches that Israel is acquiring.

Iran is truly days away from assembling a nuclear bomb.

Russia can attack Israel at any time.

Turkey will be right there with them.


In the last couple of months, Israel has made several deals to supply oil and natural gas to Europe, Turkey, and others. They are a prosperous nation.


The Jewish Agency, a group whose sole purpose is to help Jewish people immigrate back to Israel. Russia has demanded that they cease all operations within Russia as, the Jewish Agency “focuses efforts on the immigration to Israel of Jews who work in fields such as science and business and thus harms the Russian potential.” There are 165K Jewish people who may not be able to leave.

Within the last week many Jewish organizations in Russia have received similar threatening letters.


As more and more Jewish people return to Israel, as the wealth of the nation grows, and as the tensions rise between Israel and other nations, the time is drawing near for the war against Israel. A war that must take place before the return of our Lord.  


Moldova, a country between the Ukraine and Romonia. The leadership of their separatist region has announced that they will join Russia. Moldova is on the south west side of Ukraine, which means if Russia and Moldova will have to go through Ukraine.



The Church of England has stated that they have no official definition of a woman. Not sure what Bible they are reading!

Genesis 3:16

Bible states that the woman will have labor pains.


The Pope has stated that evolution is part of Creation, but does not fit into 6 days.

Genesis 1:14-19… Clear to me that the greater light, the sun, and the lesser light, the moon… are part of a single day. Creation gives us 6 literal days and a day of rest.

Stating that evolution is part of creation, but that it does not fit into 6 days is turning ones back on what scripture teaches us.


A recent survey provided some scare results.

Only 20% of Americans believe the Bible is the Word of God and that it is to be taken literal.

There are many that believe it is a book of stories to teach us morals.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

People do not want to hear the truth and they will follow people who tell them what they want to hear.


Should we be surprised? I would hope so, but not when 62% of pastors do not have a Biblical world view.

            People are leading churches with their focus on social justice, inclusivity, feel good messages… instead of the Word of God.

James 3:1 – Those who teach will receive a stricter judgement.

            Those who lead people astray by not making Jesus the focal point will receive a stricter judgement.



The USA is no where to be found in Prophecy.

            Likely because we will no longer be a world power, we will not have an impact on the world.

            China recently released a military recruitment video that shows their strength. If one of our military branches made that video we would be proud and it would help us to feel secure.

            Instead, the US Navy just released a video on the proper use of pronouns.

            The writing may be on the wall.


Some will look at the things we have talked about and fear that the world is falling apart.

Truth is that the pieces are all falling together for our Lord’s return.


Matthew 24:4-5

            Watch out for those who teach falsely, there are many of them out there today.

Matthew 24:6-7

            Today we have war in this world, and a lot of rumors of more wars coming.

            Russia and Ukraine, is likely just the beginning.

            As Rusia cuts off oil and natural gas to other countries, it will only get worse.

            As food scarcity grows, we can expect more wars to break out.





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