Sermon Notes - Colossians 2:8-15 - Littleby Baptist Church - June 5, 2022
1. The start of Chapter 2! (re-read verses 6 and 7).
a. Live
for Jesus and don’t let false teachings lead you astray.
b. Be
rooted in Jesus, building a foundation with Godly knowledge and wisdom.
c. Be
established in faith, so that we will not be easily swayed by reasonable
d. Hold
on to the teachings that are true to the Word of God.
e. Be
thankful for all that Jesus did for you. We haven’t seen the reward yet, but it
is there waiting for us.
2. Colossians
a. Is
Paul talking to the Colossian church or to us?
b. This
is one of those Yes answers, because both are true.
c. The
Colossians were being deceived, they were being taken captive through
philosophy, tradition, and flat-out deceit.
d. If
we look around today, atheism is a philosophy that there are no deities or
i. Most
of us know someone who says they are an atheist.
ii. I
have someone on my team that is an atheist.
e. Some
follow the philosophy that since there is pain in this world and that a good
God would eliminate pain, there cannot be a God.
f. We
could spend all day talking about some of the philosophical teachings around
today that discount our Awesome God.
g. How
about tradition?
h. Mark
i. In
the day this letter was written… some of the Old Testament laws would be
traditions that would add rules that must be followed for salvation.
ii. Today,
some traditions that can and do detract from the Gospel of Jesus. Think of
anything that falls into the ‘we have always done it that way’ type of stuff.
iii. Some
churches believe you have to be a member of their church to partake of
communion, that is a tradition that is not found in the Word and God and
basically tells people that the members of that church are right and everyone
else is wrong.
iv. Traditions
can stifle the work of the Holy Spirit.
i. Then
there was flat out deceit.
i. I
would say calling Jesus some lower-level deity as a purposeful lie trying to
lead someone astray.
ii. A
common one today is that we can all choose or find our own way to heaven.
iii. Or
that someone is all set to go to heaven if the good in their life is more than
the bad.
iv. That
is a belief, a philosophy, and a flat out lie that will lead people to
j. These
are all lies of the devil to lead people astray.
i. To
take people captive so that they do not follow Jesus.
ii. To
hold them down so that they choose not to respond to the Gospel.
k. These
are worldly ‘truths’ and are not based on our Lord Jesus and the amazing things
He has done for us.
l. We
need to guard ourselves against these teachings.
m. We
need to be grounded in the Word of God.
3. Colossians
a. The
fullness of the Father is in the Son.
b. The
fullness that we receive can only come from Christ.
c. Apart
from Him, all that is left is emptiness.
d. Ecclesiastes
i. The
pursuit of worldly wisdom, knowledge, and philosophy is futile, meaningless,
and is like chasing the wind.
e. Following
any of these worldly things will bring emptiness.
f. It
is only through following Jesus and His Word that we can be filled with the fullness
of God.
4. Colossians
a. As
followers of Jesus, we are made whole.
b. We
are children of God.
c. We
have been grafted into the family.
d. We
have been given the fullness of life through Jesus.
e. When
the day comes, we will receive resurrected bodies that give us eternal life in Glory.
f. The
fullness of life that will be given to us through the fullness of Grace that
our Lord has so graciously offered to all who turn to Him.
g. Think
about that, the Grace is freely offered to all of us.
i. Does
not matter what we have done… Jesus is waiting for us.
ii. Does
not matter how broken we are… we are made whole, filled, by the Love of the One
who died to save us.
iii. We
need to turn to Him.
h. These
couple of verses are a direct challenge to the Gnostics, but also enforce our
need to avoid false teachings at all costs so that we are not taken captive and
fall into the devils trap.
5. Colossians
a. Circumcision
– An Old Testament practice instituted by God to mark His people as set apart
for Him.
i. Many
legalistic Jews of that day were trying to make new gentile believers be
ii. Paul’s
point here mirrors Romans 2.
iii. Romans
iv. A
Gentile follower of Jesus is seen as a law-abiding circumcised Jew in God’s
v. Our
Lord is truly looking at our hearts, not how many things we can check off the
vi. What
is in our hearts should be seen in the way we live our lives, but it is not adherence
to a bunch of rules that paves our way to Glory.
b. Baptism
– Our Lord was baptized, and we should follow Him in being baptized as it is an
outward symbol of the salvation we have been given.
i. Baptism
in itself does not save us, but it is a wonderful way of describing our death
as a sinful person as we go under the water.
ii. And
the new life we are given as we rise out of the water.
c. The
real point here is the moment of our Salvation we are baptized by the Holy
i. Our
old sinful self-dies and a new person comes to life as we express our faith in
d. In
the moment of salvation, we die with Christ but are raised through our faith in
Him by the Power of God.
6. Colossians
a. When
we live in sin we are separated from our God.
b. Before
we turn to Jesus we are doomed to spend an eternity in agony.
c. But
through Jesus we have been made alive.
d. Through
Jesus our trespasses, our sins, have been forgiven.
7. Colossians
a. Erased
the certificate of debt… our debt was legit.
b. We
owed it.
c. It
would be like signing for a car loan, our signature is on it.
d. We
have to pay for it.
e. But
Jesus came along and says follow me and I will take care of it.
f. Jesus
erases that debt.
g. The
debt no longer exists, it is gone.
h. Through
Jesus’ amazing gift, through us being baptized with Him by the Holy Spirit
dwelling in us.
i. That
debt is gone, and a new life has been given.
j. How did Jesus accomplish this?
i. He
nailed our sin to the cross!
ii. When
Jesus climbed on that cross, He took our sin with Him.
iii. That
deep dark secret we hide from our past, Jesus nailed it to the cross.
iv. The
sins from this last week, Jesus nailed it to the cross.
v. He
took it all, and nailed it to the cross and paid the price.
vi. He
bathed it in His blood
k. Jesus
took our debt and erased it.
8. Colossians
a. In
nailing our sins to the cross.
b. In
erasing out debt.
c. Jesus
disarmed them, He took the power and weapons away from demonic power and
d. He
took their strength away.
e. He
made it so that they have NO power over us.
f. Their
weapons are useless against us.
g. If
we are living in Jesus, if our heart is focused on Him, and we are following
our Lord, the devil has no power over us.
h. He
will tempt us.
i. He
will lie to us.
j. He
will trick us.
k. But
he has absolutely no power over us.
l. Jesus
is the triumphant one!
m. Jesus
has already defeated the devil.
n. He
has already made it so that all who follow Him are saved.
9. 1
Corinthians 15:56-58
a. Thanks
be to God we have victory in Jesus.
b. He
paved the way.
c. He
erased our sins.
d. He
has made it so the devil has no power over us.
e. Therefore…
because of all of that…
f. Stand
on the truth of the Word of God.
g. Trust
in Jesus.
h. Give
you entire life to Him.
i. Don’t
hold anything back.
ii. Let
Jesus into every aspect of your life.
i. And
be about His business which can be summed up as Loving God and Loving Others.
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