Sermon Notes - Colossians 2:1-7 - Littleby Baptist Church - May 22, 2022

1.     Chapter One.

a.      Paul has been countering Gnostic teaching and proclaiming truths about Jesus at the same time.

b.     He encouraged people to seek Godly knowledge and to live according to God’s will.

c.      He taught about how awesome Jesus is.

d.     Reminded that Jesus is our Creator, Sustainer, Savior, and more.

e.      Last week we saw that Salvation is a gift that has been made available to all who believe.

                                                    i.     It is not limited to some mystical experience.

                                                  ii.     It is not a truth limited to a few.

f.      It is a gift given to all who believe.

2.     Colossians 2:1

a.      Paul struggled… for the Colossian church and other churches.

b.     His labor was not limited to those that he started.

c.      He is showing a desire to help others grow regardless of who showed them the way.

d.     1 Corinthians 3:4-9

e.      One plants, one waters… but it is God who grabs a hold of people’s lives.

f.      The guy standing up front can share what he learns but cannot change hearts.

g.     The person who talks about Jesus with their co-workers or their friends, cannot make them mature in their faith.

h.     Our job is to Love God, Love Others, and to be faithful witnesses to any who will listen.

i.       Paul’s passion for the Colossian and Laodicean churches remind us that we are not limited by these 4 walls.

                                                    i.     We give to many different ministries that touch the lives of people we will never meet.

                                                  ii.     That is a wonderful thing, and we need to keep that in front of us.

                                                iii.     We need to keep our eyes open for opportunities to share the Word.

                                                iv.     We need to watch for other ways we can be a blessing to others.

j.       Let Paul’s passion for others reenforce the need to be outward focused.

3.     Colossians 2:2

a.      There is a lot in this verse, which we will breakdown into 4 sections.

b.     Paul want’s their ‘Heart’s to be encouraged’

                                                    i.     Paul wants believers to be encouraged or comforted as some Bible’s may state.

                                                  ii.     Be encouraged that other believers, such as Paul, are praying for them.

                                                iii.     Be comforted in knowing that what they had been taught by Epaphras was true.

                                                iv.     Be encouraged by the gift of salvation they have received.

c.      Joined together in love.

                                                    i.     Knit together, as in connected or intertwined.

                                                  ii.     There is division in the Colossian church due to false teachings from the Gnostics.

                                                iii.     Being knit together in Love for God, should help them to find the truth.

                                                iv.     Being joined together in Love for each other, should help them be united as children of God.

                                                  v.     As children of God, we are knit together with Him and each other.

                                                vi.     We won’t always agree, but we are family that is to be united.

d.     Have all the riches of complete understanding

                                                    i.     All, riches, and complete… do not point to knowing a couple of Bible verses or some key phrases.

                                                  ii.     It is not being able to speak Christianese.

                                                iii.     It is the understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit.

                                                iv.     1 Thessalonians 1:4-6

                                                  v.     It is the understanding that comes from being assured of one’s salvation.

                                                vi.     It is the conviction of the Holy Spirit working in them.

                                               vii.     It is the Holy Spirit giving them discernment to distinguish between the true Word of God and the false teachings.

                                             viii.     All the riches of complete understanding can only come from God.

                                                ix.     It was the only way they could get it, and it is the only way we can truly have the riches of complete understanding.

e.      Knowledge of God’s mystery – Christ

                                                    i.     Through the work of the Holy Spirit.

                                                  ii.     Through a deeper understanding of who God is.

                                                iii.     The mystery of Christ will be revealed.

                                                iv.     Not some mysterious thing that only a few can grasp, but the Truth that has been revealed to all.

                                                  v.     The Truth that through Jesus the gift of salvation has been given to all who believe.

                                                vi.     The Truth that we have been redeemed.

                                               vii.     The Truth that we are to build our lives upon.

f.      As we draw closer to God by following our Savior Jesus, our faith will be strengthened.

4.     Colossians 2:3

a.      All the riches, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge come from Jesus.

b.     The treasures of wisdom and knowledge is given to all who seek Him.

c.      But, as we talked before we need to remain grounded in the Word of God and steadfast in faith.

d.     Jeremiah 29:13

e.      Finding these mysteries require us to truly seek Jesus with all of our hearts.

f.      Our desire must be for our Savior.

g.     Not something that is limited to Sunday morning.

h.     Finding these treasures of wisdom and knowledge requires that we regularly give God time out of our lives.

i.       It does not need to be hours every day, but it should be something we do daily.

5.     Colossians 2:4

a.      Everything Paul has stated in his letter so far.

b.     The points about how Jesus is so much greater than the Gnostic teaching.

c.      The encouragement, the prayer, the reminder that they were saved by Grace.

d.     The condemnation of the Gnostic teachings that we will look at next week.

e.      All of it, is so that the church will not be deceived.

f.      The God breathed Word, our Bible, has been given to us so that we will not be deceived by those who make reasonable arguments.

g.     Before I studied the Bible, a friend made a reasonable argument that God would not condemn Gandhi.

                                                    i.     Seemed reasonable to me.

h.     As I have read the only Truth, it is apparent to me that God wanted to save Gandhi, but if Gandhi did not repent of his sins and follow Jesus.

i.       Gandhi would have rejected the gift of Jesus.

j.       The great deceiver will offer a million reasonable arguments in order to sway us away from Jesus.

k.     It is only through God’s Word that we can resist the devil and draw near to God.

6.     Colossians 2:5

a.      Paul was saying that he was praying for them and happy that they were standing on their faith in Jesus.

b.     They may feel alone, but they were not alone.

c.      These are Words of encouragement for them as they face the false teachings.

d.     Words of encouragement for us as we stand strong in faith and on the Word of God.

e.      We don’t face any of this alone.

f.      We stand together as a church family.

g.     Those praying for us are standing with us.

h.     Matthew 18:19-20

i.       When we join others in prayer, our Lord Jesus is with us.

j.       Our Lord Jesus is always with us.

7.     Colossians 2:6-7

a.      Continue to live in Jesus…

                                                    i.     Don’t let false teachings lead you away from God.

                                                  ii.     You were saved through Jesus’ blood, live knowing His love for you.

b.     Rooted and built up in Jesus…

                                                    i.     Rooted like the seed that fell on God soil that produces a yield that is 30, 60, or a 100 fold.

                                                  ii.     Roots that dig deep and build a strong foundation.

                                                iii.     So that one’s knowledge and wisdom of God and His will for our lives can grow.

c.      Established in faith…

                                                    i.     As one lives in, rooted in, and built upon Jesus their faith grows.

                                                  ii.     With a foundation of Jesus, they will see through the false teaching.

                                                iii.     They will not be easily swayed by reasonable arguments.

                                                iv.     Their faith will be based on the Truth found in Jesus and His Word.

d.     Just as you were taught…

                                                    i.     Hold on to the teachings you have received that encouraged you, strengthened your roots, and helped build up your faith.

                                                  ii.     We are to remember the Word of God that brings us closer to Him.

                                                iii.     As it brings us closer to Jesus we will overflow with gratitude.

                                                iv.     Thankful for the Grace and Mercy He shows us.

                                                  v.     Thankful that He died on that cross for us.

                                                vi.     Thankful for the gift of life He has given us.

8.     Re-read Colossians 2:6-7

a.      Let’s commit to live with Jesus.

b.     To work on building our roots.

c.      So that our faith will be well established.

d.     So that we wont be deceived.


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