Sermon Notes- Romans 1:16-32 - Prophecy Today - Littleby Baptist Church - March 13, 2022

 1.     Matthew 24:8 Labor Pains

a.      For those that do not know, contractions start on the mild side and fairly far apart.

b.     As labor progresses the pain gets worse, and the contractions get closer together.

c.      The result is amazing, but the process tough.

2.     Jesus was talking about the End of Days, when He said those words.

a.      If we were to look back at the events from our Lord’s ascension till twenty years ago, not a lot of movement towards the Tribulation and our Lord’s return.

b.     As we look at current events, we can see that some of them point to prophesies.

                                                    i.     Not fulfilling them yet, but we can see that events are leading up to them.  

c.      It is believed that as we draw closer to the beginning of the Tribulation period, that events will start picking up speed.

d.     We have talked about how in Revelation there are a couple of places that say Soon but might be better translated as sudden or quickly together.

                                                    i.     When things start falling in place they will hit and pick up speed like labor pains.

e.      We should expect them to also pick up in intensity.

                                                    i.     Persecution will start mild but will get worse.

                                                  ii.     Political turmoil in countries and between countries, has been picking up in severity.

3.     Social degradation – things that used to be done behind closed doors are celebrated openly.

a.      Many of us cringe when we see it in the news.

b.     We see more and more of it in various types of entertainment.

c.      Some aspects are so common in TV, movies, and people around us that we can get used to seeing it.

d.     Scripture tells us it is going to be like this.

4.     Romans 1:18

a.      Those who do not revere, respect, honor, and fear God.

b.     Those that suppress the truth of Good and Evil, of God and Man.

c.      These people will see God’s wrath.

d.     Do we see people today who do not honor God?

                                                    i.     There are people who distort the Gospel for their own benefit, they are suppressing the truth.

                                                  ii.     The UMC has s Seminary in Colorado who is now offering programs to allow licensing in the Universalist Church.

1.     They have accepted pagans, wiccans, universalist, Hindu, Buddhist, and more into their Masters of Divinity program.

                                                iii.     Truth is being suppressed and God is not being honored.

5.     Romans 1:19-20

a.      God can be seen all around us. In creation, in the sunrise, and more…

b.     If people ignore what can be learned about God by looking at His creation, they are without excuse.

c.      They may not know about Jesus and what He is offering us, but they should see be able to see Him in the world around them.

6.     Romans 1:21-23

a.      When the truth of God is rejected, eventually the ability to even see truth and understand truth becomes harder and hard.

                                                    i.     John 3:19-20 – People did not recognize Jesus because they were practicing wicked things. They had chosen their path.

                                                  ii.     People today as so focused on their wants and desires. The next party, a way to be accepted, more things, the might dollar, prestige, and more.

                                                iii.     They do not see the Light.

                                                iv.     They do not see the Creator around them.

                                                  v.     They do not listen when the Holy Spirit calls them.  

                                                vi.     Does not mean it is too late, but people will choose a path.

7.     Romans 1:24-27

a.      Sex within marriage between a man and a woman is a gift from God.

b.     All other forms of sex are against God.

                                                    i.     Degrading of oneself, worship of the created, disgraceful passions, shameless acts.

c.      We do not have to go very far to see that sex outside of God’s created intent is widely accepted and celebrated.

d.     It is everywhere and according to these words; people are degraded themselves.

8.     Romans 1:28

a.      When we reject God, when we embrace sin and turn from God, eventually we are left to go our way.

b.     God wishes that none will perish, but He will not force us to follow Him.

9.     Romans 1:29-31

a.      If we are honest with ourselves, some of these will be found in us.

b.     Difference being that if Jesus is our Lord, the Holy Spirit helps us each day.

                                                    i.     Shaping and molding us to live for Christ.

                                                  ii.     To change us.

c.      Those who deny Christ will live in the darkness.

                                                    i.     They will embrace these behaviors that we see in the world around us.

10.  Romans 1:32

a.      It is bad that people choose to live this way, but sadly many encourage others to rebel against God and celebrate sin.

b.     Abortions up until birth celebrated in New York.

c.      People ‘teaching’ children and encouraging them to embrace lifestyles outside of God’s design.

d.     Sadly, the list of sin being celebrated, encouraged, and pushed on others is a very long list.

11.  2 Timothy 3:1-5

a.      In the last days… people will be like this.

b.     Looking at this list, walking through those verses in Romans, and comparing to today, should lead us to believe that if we are not in the last days, we are getting close.

12.  2 Timothy 4:3-4 Itchy Ears

a.      If we go back a few decades people were willing to hear about Jesus.

b.     Today, people want to hear that any path they take is good enough.

c.      Lakewood Church with Joel Osteen.

                                                    i.     43K attend each week, 13M households in the USA view their services.

                                                  ii.     This is a man who is more of a self-help kinda guy.

                                                iii.     People are listening to his feel-good talks, not the word of God.

                                                iv.     They are turning away from the Truth.

                                                  v.     The Itchy Ear syndrome is growing.

13.  2 Thessalonians 2:1-3

a.      Before the return of our Lord, Apostasy will run rampant.

b.     People leaving the Church and rebelling against God will be a societal norm.  

c.      This is something that we are seeing happen today.

d.     The UMC Seminary I mentioned earlier is a good example of people abandoning God.

14.  The world is falling away from God, but God is still at work.

15.  Daniel 12:4

a.      The prophecy given to Daniel was to be kept secret and sealed until the ‘time of the end.’

b.     As we draw closer to the end of days, the prophecies in Daniel and throughout Scripture will become clear to those who are paying attention.

c.      As people study and the Holy Spirit works, we will see events in our time unfold as Scripture foretells.

16.  2 Peter 1:19

a.      God’s Word points to the Day that dawns.

                                                    i.     Meaning that it points to the day of Christ’s return.

                                                  ii.     As we pay attention to the Word, as we study it.

                                                iii.     A light will shine and guide us in the ways of our Lord.

b.     Both in Daniel and in 2 Peter we are told that if we look into God’s Word, we will see the truth about what is to come, which is why we must study prophesy.

17.  Society is heading downhill.

18.  The world is embracing the devil and rejecting Jesus.

19.  What do we need to do?

20.  Romans 1:16-17

a.      Do not be ashamed of the Gospel message… share it every chance you can!

b.     Remember that no one is too far gone for the Power of God to save them!

c.      Live by faith!

                                                    i.     Hold on to the promise that you will be with Jesus in the New Jerusalem.

                                                  ii.     Remember that our God is still on His throne!

                                                iii.     Put your trust in Him.


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