
Showing posts from March, 2022

Sermon Notes- Matthew 24:7-8 - Earthquakes and Famines - Littleby Baptist Church - March 27, 2022

  1.      Wars and rumors of wars. a.       God will use Gog the leader of Magog to carry out His will. b.      Russia, Iran, Ukraine, most of the former Soviet States, and other countries will invade Israel. c.       We don’t know when it will happen, but we see signs of the likelihood building. d.      Israel has been restored. e.       They are regathering with 45% of the Jewish people living in Israel. f.       They are on the path to living securely with trade relationships and the Abraham accords. g.      They are becoming prosperous, with tremendous growth in the GDP and the find of oil and natural gas. h.      Damascus is close to being destroyed. i.        And I think we can see politics playing out in a way that Israel could sta...

Sermon Notes - Ezekiel 38 - Prophecy Wars and Rumors of Wars - Littleby Baptist Church - March 20, 2022

  1.      Last Week a.       The end times will be like labor pains… as the time grows closer the frequency and intensity of events will increase. b.      We talked how apostacy is growing. c.       People are turning form God, even people who have professed to believe are flat-out rejecting God. d.      Sin is being pushed on the innocent and it is being celebrated in the sickest of ways. e.       The Itchy Ear syndrome is growing. f.       People are flocking to those who tell them what they want to hear and rejecting those who speak the truth. g.      But… the closer we draw to our Lord’s return and the more we study the Word of God, the more we will understand.                      ...