Sermon Notes - Revelation 12:7-17 - The battle continues - Littleby Baptist Church - October 17, 2021

 1.     The woman, the Child, and the Dragon…

a.      The woman, represents the nation of Israel.

                                                    i.     She gives birth to a son, Jesus.

                                                  ii.     A son who one day will rule as our Righteous Lord.

                                                iii.     That Son, our Lord Jesus, has been ‘caught up’ with the Father until the time of His return.

                                                iv.     During the Great Tribulation the remnant, Israel, the Woman, will be protected by God from the Dragon.

1.     She will be protected for 3 ½ years until called upon.

b.     The Dragon is Satan, the antichrists master.

                                                    i.     We were reminded that Satan does have power in this corrupt world.

1.     He will use it.

                                                  ii.     He has power, but not enough to defeat the child.

1.     Satan tried to destroy Jesus as a child and failed.

2.     He tried to tempt our Lord and lure Him away from His plan and that did not work.

3.     He is still trying to destroy those who follow Jesus.

2.     Satan does have a role to play, but when the time is up, Jesus will rule.

3.     Revelation 12:7

a.      Daniel 12:1 – Michael is the prince or angel of the people of Israel.

b.     Michael the archangel with the angels of heaven will battle Satan and his demons.

c.      Ephesians 6:12 – A war in heaven that we cannot fight, it is fought in the heavenly realms by angels and demons.

d.     One question I wondered is, why is Michael fighting Satan and not Jesus?

                                                    i.     Michael is seen as the ruler of angels and is leading the army in battle.

                                                  ii.     It also is not Jesus’ time, He will join the battle at the precise time He is meant to.

4.     Revelation 12:8-9

a.      Michael and the others kicked Satan and his followers out of heaven!

b.     Satan has power to wipe away a third of the stars, but not enough to stand against Michael and the angels.

c.      When does this happen?

                                                    i.     The devil was in the garden of Eden as a fallen serpent, but that does not fit with the timing of these events.

                                                  ii.     In Luke 10:18 Jesus saw Satan fall from heaven, but that would point to Jesus’ ministry on earth not His second coming.

                                                iii.     Verse 10 mentions that the kingdom of our God has come.

                                                iv.     Verse 11 talks about people not loving their lives to the point of death.

                                                  v.     Verse 12 states that the devil has come down and his time is short.

d.     These verses point to the end of days, and while the timing is vague, it will be taking place in the final years, the final 3 ½ years of the Great Tribulation.

5.     We often use Satan and Devil as the names or titles of the evil one.

a.      Devil in Greek means slanderer.

b.     Satan in Hebrew means accuser.

c.      Whenever we use one of these words in reference to the great adversary, the words fit.

                                                    i.     He will lie, slanderer, accuse, and use any wicked means at his disposal to corrupt what our Lord created.

                                                  ii.     He will do everything he can to lead us astray.

                                                iii.     The names fit.

6.     Revelation 12:10

a.      An announcement from heaven saying that by the Salvation offered by Jesus and His mighty power, the kingdom of God is at hand.

b.     By this same power, the accuser has been thrown down to the earth.

c.      Telling us that the time is near for Christ return, but watchout Satan is loose on the earth.

7.     Revelation 12:11

a.      Even though those who follow Jesus will die a physical death, they are on the winning side because of the Blood of THE Lamb and by their faith in their Lord.

b.     Those who choose to follow Jesus will have security in their Salvation, even during the end of days.

c.      Those who remain true to our Lord, even in the face of death, will be triumphant.

8.     Revelation 12:12

a.      A warning is given.

b.     When Satan is cast from heaven, he knows his time is short.

c.      He will fight for every inch and for every soul.

d.     We struggle with things today; I would expect it to be much harder during the final days.  

e.      I think we see signs of it now. At one time it was ‘popular’ and an ‘accepted norm’ to go to church.

                                                    i.     That is changing and will continue to get worse.

9.     Revelation 12:13-14

a.      Dragon = Satan and he has been cast out of heaven for the last time and he knows time is running short.

b.     Woman is the Israelites, the Hebrew people, who may not have really known who Jesus was until the antichrist desecrates the temple.

c.      Satan comes down and attacks the Jewish people and they are given wings… meaning that God delivers them from the hands of Satan and protects them for a time, times, and half a time; for the final 3 ½ years.

10.  Revelation 12:15

a.      Satan attacks Israel with everything he has, flooding the world with evil to destroy them.

b.     Some will say they were all located in Jerusalem or the general vicinity, but others point to this being more symbolic.

                                                    i.     This being symbolic fits with the overall flow of these verses.

c.      Satan is attacking the Jewish people, those who are following God and those who are not.

d.     Zechariah 13:8-9 are pointing to our future.

                                                    i.      2/3rds will perish but 1/3rd will not.

e.      The 144,000 Jewish believers will be among the 1/3rd who survive.

                                                    i.     God has marked them.

                                                  ii.     He has spirited them away to somewhere safe.

                                                iii.     They will be refined as they call on the name of God.

11.  Revelation 12:16

a.      Satan attacks, but God intervenes.

b.     Satan uses every bit of strength he has, but God is in control and protects His people.

12.  Revelation 12:17

a.      Satan is not successful in wiping out the remnant of Jewish believers.

b.     But that does not stop him from attacking those who keep the commands of God.

c.      Verse 11 talked about those who stayed true to Jesus and did not love their lives, even to the point of death – people will be martyred for their in Jesus.

d.     Satan in his rage will go after any and all who honor God in those final days.

13.  The last days, the second half of the Great Tribulation will be a full onslaught against any who are bold enough to proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.

a.      But, through the Blood of the Lamp they will be conquerors.

b.     Satan will do everything he can, but those who remain true to Jesus will be Triumphant.

c.      James 4:7-10

                                                    i.     Submit to God. Draw near to Him. Purify your hearts. Humble yourselves before the Lord.

                                                  ii.     Simply put, put God first in your lives.

1.     Give Him your heart.

2.     Give Him your time.

3.     Give Him your life.

                                                iii.     Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!


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