Sermon Notes - Revelation 1:1-8 - Littleby Baptist Church - April 25, 2021

Trying something new... instead of writing a manuscript for my notes, I am trying out using an outline instead.

1.     Introduction

a.      Been praying about where to go next.

b.     Maybe the hardest book in the Bible to understand and teach.

c.      We are going to walk verse by verse through all 22 chapters.

d.     Path is not mapped out.

                                                    i.     Holy Spirit and the Word will lead.

2.     Ok to disagree.

a.      We may not agree on all aspects, especially as we look at the end times.

b.     Experts with decades of study do not agree.

c.      Our agreement or disagreement has no impact on our being Bro / Sis.

d.     It has no impact on us Following Jesus.

3.     It is a Letter, like the epistles.

a.      Wrote for a specific audience.

b.     Wrote for a specific time.

c.      Which means we can understand what it means.

d.     Difference, others may include prophecy, Revelation IS prophecy.

e.      1 Corinthians 14:3

                                                    i.     Strengthen, Encourage, and Comfort are not words I have heard used about Revelation, but that is exactly what is it is for.

                                                  ii.     Revelation as a prophecy is not meant to intimidate us,

                                                iii.     It is meant to strengthen our faith, encourage us as we walk this earth, and comfort us.

4.     As we WALK through R, My Hope is that we will approach it as something that will help us to Grow in our faith and Help us to Draw near to Jesus.

5.     History

a.      Author is the Apostle John, the same man who wrote the Gospel of John and the 3 epistles.

b.     Written at the end of the first century, roughly 94-96 AD.

c.      Authorship and timing fit within history and have been confirmed with non-Biblical sources.

d.     The seven churches were existing churches in Asia Minor, aka Turkey.

e.      The seven churches are places that John had ministered to in one form or fashion.

f.      Timing fits with the seven churches facing spiritual decline 25-30 years after Paul would have visited them.

g.     Written while banished by Rome to the island of Patmos.

6.     Revelation 1:1

a.      The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the unveiling of Jesus, Prophecies about Jesus, one called it the manifesto of the kingdom of Christ.

b.     Not meant to be a detailed play by play of what is to come, more a general guide of what is going to happen in the future.

c.      Show His servants… these words are meant to be shared with followers of Jesus.

d.     A lot of debate on ‘what must soon take place’ means – Meaning is when the end of times hit, the events will happen quickly.

7.     Revelation 1:2

a.      This prophecy was given to John who faithfully shared with all who would listen.

b.     A testimony as the Word of God

c.      A testimony from Jesus about Jesus

8.     Revelation 1:3

a.      Blessings to those of the seven churches who hear and listen to these words.

b.     Blessings to all who hear and listen to these words.

c.      There is a caveat, a response is required, we need to keep what is written.

d.     Take the prophecy found in this letter to heart.

e.      Listen to what it teaches.

f.      James 1:22-25 – ‘Be doers of the Word’.

g.     We do not know how much time we have left.

9.     Revelation 1:4

a.      From John to the 7 churches that he has ministered to.

b.     Grace and Peace… a wonderful blessing.

                                                    i.     Grace bestowed upon followers of Jesus and His Peace that fills us.

c.      A blessing not given by John, but He who is, was, and is to come…

                                                    i.     Blessings bestowed by God the Father.

d.     Seven spirits can go one of two ways here.

                                                    i.     Seven angels at work in the churches.

                                                  ii.     Seven ways the Holy Spirit is manifesting in the seven church of Asia.

                                                iii.     Could go either way, but the important part is that this letter is for those who are followers of Jesus.

10.  Revelation 1:5

a.      Last but not least!

b.     Faithful witness – Jesus is the source of the prophecy that makes up Revelation.

c.      Firstborn from the dead – He is our Resurrected Lord who defeated death.

d.     Ruler of the kings of the earth – This is pointing to our Lord’s future return where He will rule for all of eternity.

                                                    i.     In charge.

                                                  ii.     King of Kings.

e.      Loves us and has set us free – Out of an abundance of Love our Lord wiped away our sins. He has cleansed us and redeemed us.

11.  Revelation 1:6

a.      Exodus 19:5-6

                                                    i.     God’s message to the people of Israel through Moses.

b.     1 Peter 2:9

                                                    i.     Something that we are part of as we have been grafted into the family of God.

                                                  ii.     We are all priest, not as a title or ordination, but as those who serve God.

1.     By Loving Him with all that we have.

2.     By giving Him the honor that He is due.

3.     By glorifying Him.

4.     For all of Eternity.

12.  Revelation 1:7

a.      Acts 1:9 – Jesus left into the clouds.

b.     Daniel 7:13-14 – Similar imagery as prophesied in Daniel.

c.      Zechariah 12:10 – Those who pierced Jesus will mourn Him. We will mourn Him as Jesus was pierced because of our sin.

d.     What is verse seven and these others telling us? Christ’s return will be visible to all of creation. All will see and while His followers will be excited to see Him, they will also understand that they had a part in Christ’s death. Excitement and mourning at the same time.

e.      Those that don’t know Jesus, will mourn His coming as they realize who He Really Is!

13.  Revelation 1:8

a.      Alpha first letter in the Greek alphabet.

b.     Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet.

                                                    i.     Would be like saying Jesus was from A to Z.

                                                  ii.     From the beginning to the end.

c.      More specifically Jesus is the beginning of history to the end of history, and every second in between.

d.     God is ever existent, with absolute control of the world from the beginning of creation to the end of all times.

14.  Closing

a.      As we start this journey through the book of Revelation remember:

                                                    i.     This is a prophecy from Jesus and About Jesus.

                                                  ii.     As we walk through the book, we will learn more about Him and hopefully draw closer to Him.

                                                iii.     Remember this prophecy, as crazy as it may sound to some, is given to Strengthen, Encourage, and Comfort us as we walk this earth.

                                                iv.     We are to study the Word, we are Keep the Word.

                                                  v.     We are to practice what it teaches.

                                                vi.     We will grow in our knowledge of Jesus.

                                               vii.     I firmly believe we will be blessed by the reading and hearing of this Prophecy as we were told in verse 3.

b.     Our Lord is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning, the end, and everything in between.

                                                    i.     Let’s study His Word, His Prophecy, and let it change our lives.

God Bless - Robert


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