Sermon - Daniel 4:19-27 - The Interpretation - Littleby Baptist Church - April 26, 2020

Last week we got back into the Book of Daniel and found that king Nebuchadnezzar might be finally catching on to what God has been doing. As we continue in chapter 4, remember that this chapter is written as a royal proclamation. The king was retelling what had happened starting with the dream and everything that followed.

As the king retells the events that have transpired, he started by once again calling on his usual wise guys and they were no help. Then he called for Daniel and shared the dream with him and proclaimed that the pagan gods could not do it. He then went on to say that Daniel could do it because he has ‘a spirit of the holy gods.’ The king having lived through all of the events of chapter 4 believes that Daniel has been touched by God.

The highest political authority in the land has just stated that Daniel has the Spirit of God in him and then asks him for help. Daniel has been handed an amazing opportunity to witness to the king and everyone within earshot.

Last week was a reminder that people are watching us. Many want to believe that God is real and can work in our lives. They may feel unworthy, but if they see God at work in us, it may give them hope and can open a door for us to share with them. As we walk the walk that God has put before us, we need to remember that He will give us opportunities to share, just like He is giving Daniel one here in Chapter 4.

Daniel 4:19

19 Then Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar, was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts alarmed him. The king said, “Belteshazzar, don’t let the dream or its interpretation alarm you.” Belteshazzar answered, “My lord, may the dream apply to those who hate you, and its interpretation to your enemies!”

God obviously revealed to Daniel what this dream meant, and it took him a moment to collect his thoughts. Daniel may have been taken aback by how it would hurt the king, he may have been wondering if the king was going to fly off in anger once again, or may have been trying to find the diplomatic way to tell the king that he was not going to like what God revealed to Daniel.

The king responded with encouragement telling Daniel to not worry about it, might have been driven by appreciation for Daniel over the years or may have just been trying to coax it out of him.

The Lord granted Daniel the wisdom as he politely stated that he wished the dream was for the king’s enemies.

Daniel 4:20-21

20 The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, whose top reached to the sky and was visible to the whole earth, 21 and whose leaves were beautiful and its fruit abundant—and on it was food for all, under it the wild animals lived, and in its branches the birds of the sky lived—”

Here Daniel is describing the tree, confirming that it is as Nebuchadnezzar stated. It is large, strong, covers the earth, with beautiful leaves, and abundant fruit. The tree provided food for all, shelter for the animals, and branches for the birds.

Daniel 4:22

22 that tree is you, Your Majesty. For you have become great and strong: your greatness has grown and even reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to the ends of the earth.”

Daniel may have started with the politically correct approach saying he wished this dream was about the king’s enemies, but here he is starting to take the gloves off. As Daniel tells the king that he is the tree, you would expect the look on the king’s face to change and any idle chatter in the room to stop.

Up unto this point it has all been pleasant as Daniel confirmed that Nebuchadnezzar is arguably the greatest ruler of his day. His kingdom has grown in strength and size. When Daniel finishes his retelling of the dream the tone and the mood around the room changes.

Daniel 4:23

23 “The king saw a watcher, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, ‘Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump with its roots in the ground and with a band of iron and bronze around it in the tender grass of the field. Let him be drenched with dew from the sky and share food with the wild animals for seven periods of time.’”

The words ‘that tree is you’ are probably echoing in the king’s mind as Daniel repeats each part of the dream that point towards the coming judgement.

Daniel 4:24

24 This is the interpretation, Your Majesty, and this is the decree of the Most High that has been issued against my lord the king:”

‘This is the decree of the Most High’… this is God’s judgement against you king Nebuchadnezzar. 

Let’s take a look at what that judgement is.

Daniel 4:25

25 You will be driven away from people to live with the wild animals. You will feed on grass like cattle and be drenched with dew from the sky for seven periods of time, until you acknowledge that the Most High is ruler over human kingdoms, and he gives them to anyone he wants.”

Your dream is a warning that judgement is coming because you have not acknowledged and honored the One and Only God.

Let’s walk through what this verse tells us.

Tree will be cut down – The king is going to be removed form his position of power. While being judged the king will no longer be the king, he will not be a great leader that provides for and protects his people. You could say he will be cutoff at the knees.

The king will be driven away from people – The king will not only be removed from position of power he is going to be driven out of his home, he is not going to be living with his family, his servants, or be around his friends. He is not going to be around anyone.

He will live with animals, eat grass, and be drenched with the dew of the sky – Not only will the king be essentially living in isolation from his family and friends, but he is going to be living like an animal. From the king’s own proclamation this was not some symbolic picture of what was going to happen, this was exactly what was going to happen. The king’s life would be reduced to that of a wild animal.  

For seven ‘periods’ or more importantly until he acknowledges the Most High God – The judgement against the king is that he will live like an animal, away from the palace, away from his family, away from all that he thinks he built, until he recognizes that the Most High God is over all things. The only way to end this period of judgement will be to acknowledge that God is God and that He is greater than any king and can give or take away kingdoms as He sees fit. There is some debate on what seven periods is, but from what I read most believe it was either seven months or seven years.

This judgement may seem extreme, but not when you compare it to how the king has acted. He was a man we have seen act out of anger and treat people as if they have no value, and that includes God’s people. Who in their right mind would really toss people into a burning furnace because they simply believed differently? You might say the king’s behavior was that of a wild man, so he was being punished to live as a wild animal. He had several chances and Scripture shows us that for a brief moment a couple of times, the king recognized the power of the One True God. Sadly, the king is like seed that falls along the thorns in Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13. The seed of hope that is planted is choked out by the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth. The kings glimmer of faith was chocked out by fear of losing his power and vast wealth he had acquired.

Daniel 4:26

26 As for the command to leave the tree’s stump with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules.”

As is typical with our God, there is always this thing we call Hope.

The Lord’s judgement against the king is going to be severe, but that is not the end. If the king acknowledges the Most High God, if he essentially repents and turns from his wicked ways, his kingdom will be restored.

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

The Lord Jesus is there waiting for us to answer the door when he knocks. When we acknowledge that He is God, repent of our sins, He will cleanse us; He will restore us to our rightful place as a child of God. If we repent, we will be forgiven, and we will be restored.

Daniel 4:27

27 Therefore, may my advice seem good to you my king. Separate yourself from your sins by doing what is right, and from your injustices by showing mercy to the needy. Perhaps there will be an extension of your prosperity.”

At this point Daniel is no longer interpreting the dream, he is encouraging the king to turn from his sins, to turn from his wicked ways, and to turn from the injustices he has inflicted on others. Turn from these things and show mercy to those in need and do what is right. He ends by saying if you do these things, if you change your ways, there is a chance, that maybe the Most High God will see and show you mercy.

Most of us know that our God is the God of Second Changes, He is the God of Grace and of Mercy, but we need to do our part. We need to confess that Jesus is Lord, Repent of our Sins and choose to Follow Him.

Nebuchadnezzar is in the same boat and needs to do his part. He needs to recognize who God is and that it is the Most High God that has authority and power of all creation. It is the Lord our God who has given the king Babylon and He is more than able to take it away. The king must repent, recognize who God is, and submit to His leading., then and only then will he be restored.

Daniel has been given an amazing opportunity to share the Words of God with sinners and call them to repentance. This is something that every single one of us has the opportunity to do. Most of us will never stand before a king, President, or Governor, but all of us will have the opportunity to share with people in our lives. Like Daniel we need to let the Holy Spirit guide, use wisdom, and speak the truth. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to do the rest.

All of us have sin in our lives, all of us fall short of God’s glory, which is why all of us need to ask the Holy Spirit to point out the sin in our lives and repent of it. Ask God to help you turn from your sin once and for all.  

If you have never repented of your sins and turned your life over to Jesus, please listen to me. All of us are sinners and are doomed for an eternity in hell. We are in need of a savior, and it is only through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His Resurrection on the third day that we have Hope. If we repent of our sins and give our lives to Jesus, then we will be saved. If you would like to start that journey, if you want to give you life to Jesus, please repeat after me.

Jesus, I am a sinner. I believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe that you rose from the dead to give me new life. Jesus, I repent of my sins and ask for you to come into my life. I put my trust in you. Thank You Jesus, Amen.

May the Lord Keep You and Protect You!



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