What we are doing the next 2 weeks - March 19, 2020

Hello Littleby Family!

A quick message to share with you our plans for the near future.

This Sunday March 22nd we will not have service in the church building, instead we will have a virtual message. We will record a video here at the Hudson house and post it on our YouTube page. I will share the link on our Facebook page, you can go to our website Littlebybaptist.org and click on the YouTube logo on the top right, or if you want me to send you the link I can. Just shoot me an email or a text saying where you would like it sent.

At this point we are planning on doing the same thing for Sunday March 29th and will make a decision by April 1st for the what to do after that.

If the need to have virtual services extends, we will look at a way to do ‘virtual’ Bible study or Sunday School.

I want to encourage you to use this time to dig deeper into God’s Word. With the uncertainty around us today, the only thing we can truly count on is that Jesus is King and through following Him we are saved.

Please be safe and do not hesitate to reach out to me or another church member if you need something.

We love you and are praying for God’s touch on each and everyone of you!


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