Acoustic Neuroma - Six Years Post Op
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord” – Jeremiah 17:7 HCSB Six years ago today I was laying on an operating table so the doctors could cut into my skull and remove that pesky Acoustic Neuroma brain tumor. I knew my life would change, but had no idea what that change would look like. While I do have lingering issues I know that God has been good to me and I continue to trust in Him. After the removal of their tumors, some have facial paralysis, debilitating headaches, and constant vertigo. I have an eye that waters now and again, occasional minor headaches, and balance issues. In 2013, 3 years post OP, I developed some issues that most likely stem from my tumor removal but the doctors cannot figure out the exact cause. I had to stop exercising, my driving range is limited, and I do get tired easier than I used to. I visited 4 hospitals, 8 doctors, 2 physical therapist, and tried a dozen or so different medications. I went on a full bl...