
I started this blog roughly 5 years ago before a lot of things started happening in my life.

Five years ago I received the call for my first Senior Pastorate, completed my MBA, was ordained with the SBC, and found out that I had a brain tumor. There was a lot going on.  As I look back I can see God at work even though my plans were being changed.

I never expected to need brain surgery,  I never thought I would have left the pastorate due to that surgery, never expected my past employer to move us around so much, and never thought I would have left that employer.

Life throws us curveballs. I am sure most of you would agree. Life has not turned out as I expected, but God knows best.

Jeremiah 29 : 11

"11 For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

Yes, I had a brain tumor and have some medical issues I will deal with the rest of my life.  You know what? That has not stopped God from using me. I am still a pastor and God puts people in my path at work who need His love.

Yes, my old employer moved me around a lot . I have met some wonderful people and have worshipped Jesus with the Family of God from more places than I ever imagined.

God knows the plans He has for us, He knows where we will be next month, next year, and even the next decade. His plans are for the Good. His plans will be for His Glory. He has orchestrated my life so I could meet the needs of those around me.

God has turned those curveballs into home runs!

Thank You God for working in my life!

Trust God to work in yours!


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