4.5 Year Post Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor Removal

November 26th is 4.5 years since I had my tumor removed. Hard to believe it has been that long.

It has been a long while since I have posted anything on here. Most of my writing has been for the weekly sermons at Clark Baptist Church. That being the case I wanted do an update as my last couple of posts have been about the issues I have been facing.

I have continued to follow through with the doctors directions taking med after med. Felt like being part of the medicine of the month club with something new every month. We tried a handful of different migraine meds with no success. In September I went to see the Neurologist again and when he walked in he stated he did not know what to do to help me. The only option he could think of was to send me to a Neuro Otolarygnologist at St. Louis Hospital.

This is doctor number 10 at the 4th hospital since I started having balance issues since fall of 2013, just over a year.

So, I did as suggested and saw this Dr. on November 3rd. It was a nice day that I got to spend 9 hours with my wife that I would normally have worked most of it.

Had another hearing test (4th in the last 12 months) and guess what I am still deaf on the left side. :)

I was encouraged by all the balance and migraine clinic postings in the office and since this Dr. is considered one of the best in the area, it felt like we were in the right place. I was very hopeful that we would get some answers or at least a course of action that would lead to answers. I was not prepared for the answer I received.

Basically since I have had migraines since I was a child I am a severe migraine sufferer. I also have the bad luck of having vesitbular trauma when my balance nerve was severed when they removed the tumor. I have now had three doctors tell me I was having migraines, just not the typical pain type. This doctor added that the combination of being a severe migraine sufferer and having vestibular trauma means it is going to take more for me to recover than most and I may not.

Since we have tried a handful of meds the only option this new doctor could give me was to go on a full blown migraine diet. No more tests, no more meds, nothing from a medical perspective. As far as this doctor is concerned their is nothing he can do. This is the 3rd doctor to say this is migraine related, but the first to point out why.

The next step is simple, try the migraine diet for 3 to 6 months. What does that entail? First I have weened off all caffeine. I anticipate this to be an issue as the caffeine is all that keeps me going some days. I have gone two days without caffeine but the real test will be this coming week at work. We have also been working to cut out a few other things. Chocolate, not a big issue for me. Cheese is already a struggle but something I will have to get used to. The hardest one is going to be preservatives. In this day and age how do you cut something like that out. It means switching to fresh meat, veggies, and fruit. Most breads are out, most pasta, canned goods, pre-made goods in general are out. We are in the process of changing how we eat. This last week 2/3rds of my meals have been in line with this new diet.

I am doing all that the doctor has asked so far, but do not know where to go from here. If the last 2 doctors are right I have reached the end of what they can do. That does not mean I am giving up. I will try this diet and do everything I can think of. More to come I am sure.

I look at this last year and the struggles I am going through and I know it is not for nothing. I can see one of two things coming out of my 'adventure' with balance issues. God can perform a miracle and take all of this away from me. I know He has the power, I know He is in control, and I know His will will be done. If He does not heal me, I know that He will use my 'adventure' and faith in Him to witness to others. I have endured this last year having complete faith that He will take care of me. I know that no matter what He has my best interest at heart. He has carried me through all of this.

God will get the glory and honor either way, through healing or through the strength He has given me to endure. Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Strength, I will lean on Him everyday to carry me!

"I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

No matter what you are going through Jesus Christ is there for you!

I cannot drive, I cannot ride my bike, I cannot walk a mile, but I know that Jesus is there for me. If He can see me through all of these struggles and still give me the strength to share His Gospel He can see you through your struggles.

Sickness, financial strain, loss of a loved one, or anything else Jesus can and will be there for you. All you have to do is ask!

"Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you." Matthew 6:33

Seek God, ask for His help, and He will be there for you.

May God Bless You Abundantly!



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