Accoustic Neuroma 3+ year Update - September 9, 2013

It is hard to believe that it has been over 3 1/2 years since I was diagnosed with a Accoustic Neuroma brain tumor.

For those who are new to my story, let me give you the abridged version.

In February 2010 I went to the Dr. to figure out why I was losing my hearing in my left ear. He told me that I had an Accoustic Neuroma brain tumor and that I would need surgery. Over the next couple of months we prepared for the surgery that took place on May 26, 2010. The surgery itself went great, but due to a spinal fluid lead my 3 day hospital stay turned into 13 days. While that was trying they told me that they had successfully removed the tumor. That July I had an MRI scan and everything looked good, and I was to come back in two years for another scan.

In August of 2012 I went in for an MRI and overall everything looked really good, but the Dr. saw an area that he wanted to keep an eye on. He thought it was scar tissue, but wanted to be careful. For the last year I have been wondering if the tumor had returned. In some ways it was out there in the back of my mind all the time. It was a shadow over a large part of my life. I believe God took care of it, but what if I was wrong. What if I was going to be tested again.

Today, I had that follow up appointment. While I have been confident that God had taken care of everything I was still anxious. Checked in for the MRI at 2:30 pm and was at the Dr's office by 3:30. Sadly the Dr. was running behind and we waited until after 5 pm to get called back to a room, and was kept wondering what the results would be. Once we finally met with the Dr. we reviewed the MRI images with him and everything looked normal. Even the area that was of concern last year looked as normal as it could be. The tumor is gone! One more scan in 2015 then I am done!

God is AWESOME! He took care of everything!

Do I still have headaches? - Yes
Do I still get dizzy at times? - Yes
Do I get fatigued? - Yes
Am I still deaf on the left side? - Yes

Regardless of this, I am very thankful for all that God has done. He has given me my life back!

I am blessed with a wonderful family, the ability to share the gospel, and we are enjoying the time we have as a family.

God is Amazing and Life is Good!

I pray that you seek our amazing Lord Jesus Christ for whatever ails you. He will be with you every step of the way. He is greater than any problem we can face in this world. Seek Him, Depend on Him, and Follow Him.

Life is not complete until you learn to Love God and Love Others! I encourage you to make that your mission in life!

May God Bless each one of you!



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