30 Months Post Op and the Two Most Important Things to Remember

Today, November 25, 2012, I celebrate 17 years of marraige to the best wife I could have ever asked for. She has been a wonderful blessing through sickness and health, and I look forward to spending the rest of eternity with her! This evening we watched our movie 'Pure Country' with George Strait and our song 'I Cross My Heart' with the kids. A line from that song says 'In all the world, you will never find a love as pure as mine!' It was true 17 years ago at our wedding and it is even more true today! I Love you Hunny!

Tomorrow, the 26th, we hit the 30 month mark of my Acoustic Neuroma Surgery. It is hard to believe that it has only been 2 1/2 years. A lot has happened in such a short period of time.

I had to step down as Pastor at New Life Chapel due to my surgery and recovery, made a job change and moved to Iowa. Started pastoring Ninth Street Baptist, but then left my day job and the church to move to Centralia, MO for a new company. 30 months post op, with two major moves and job changes. I get tired just thinking about it. It is safe to say that having that tumor, the surgery, and even going through recovery has not slowed me down.

I have probably said it before, but going through all of this has reminded me how short life can be. We do not know how much time we have left on this planet. That being the case, I want to emphasize two things. First, remember to cherish every moment you have with the people you love! Don't fret over how much time has passed or how little time you have left with someone. Instead pour your strength and love into those in your life!

One of the big changes with our most recent move has been to spend more time together as a family. As busy as we get, every effort is made to have dinner together and to talk about the kids days at school. We make an effort to go out and do something every week, even if it is only going grocery shopping. We spend time together, and I make sure to tell my family how much I love them!

The second thing I want to emphasize while remembering that we do not know how much time any of us have left on Earth. We need to share Jesus with everyone we possible can. This starts at home and I am doing what I can to raise my children with Biblical values. Whenever a situation presents itself, we talk to our children about what the Bible teaches us about it. Needless to say having a 14 year old boy in the house has increased the opportunities for these discussions. My prayer is that these times discussing things together will help build the foundation in their lives where they will turn to Jesus instead of the things of the world.

This should always start with the family but it does not stop there.

Matthew 28
"19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ has told us that we are to go share His love with others. In sharing His love we then are presented with opportunities to share the Amazing Grace that He has given us, in hope that a seed is planted that will change peoples lives. Knowing that I have been created by an amazing God to share His story with others, coupled with not knowing how much time I have left to carry out that mission. Nor how much time others have to hear what Jesus did for them, continues to be a driving force in my life.

Everyday of my life I pray that God works in me and allows me to share His love in some way, so that over time new opportunities will develop where I can move from sharing Love to sharing Jesus Christ. I want to reach every person the Holy Spirit brings across my path.

There are two important things that we need to remember. Your loved ones and carrying out God's will for your life. Show your family you love them every single day! And Second, share God's love so that you will help to spread the name of Jesus Christ across this great nation and the world!

I ask that you continue to remember me in your prayers and I will do the same for you!

As you finish reading this make sure to tell someone you love them then pick up your Bible and read about the Love that drove Jesus to the cross to die for your sins and how He wants you to share it!

Thank You and God Bless,



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