Accoustic Neuroma - 2 Year Post OP Update

May 25th is a day in history to be remembered. Star Wars debuted on May 25, 1977. This week marked the 35th anniversary of the beginning of a legend, and is celebrated around the world!

May 26, 2010 may not be remembered by nearly as many people but it is an important day for me and my family. Today, is the 2 year anniversary of my Accoustic Neuroma brain tumor surgery. Today, I am thankful for the life I have!

How did we celebrate it? Last night we went out and celebrated 3 things. 1st it was Chris' birthday on the 21st, 2nd Thomas' birthday is the 29th, and the life given back to me after surgery. We went to a wonderful Japanese Steak House where they cook the food right in front of you, plus some great sushi... made for a great dinner. Today we spent the day getting settled in our new house, so nothing fun but still rewarding.

As far as my symptoms go, things are a little better even with the stress of a new job, a major move, and everything that goes with it.

Headaches have reduced and are fairly mild and only a couple of times a week. The shakes are still there, predominately in my right hand. Eating soup last night was difficult with the small Japanese styled spoons, the tremors were obvious. With all the physical work I have been doing, there have been next to no balance issues or dizziness so that is a nice improvement. Plus for some reason I am still deaf in my left ear. :)

One funny thing that has plagued me since the surgery was calf cramps in my right leg. They continue to flare up but have not been bad in months.

All in all I still am extremely thankful for all that God has done for me and my recovery. There are no side effects to the surgery that I cannot live with.

As we get settled in Centralia, MO I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me and my family. To say that God has been at work in our lives is an understatement. Stay tuned to see what amazing thing He does next!

God Bless,



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