Life Changes

Some days (most actually) I wish I could understand why things happen in our lives. I know beyond a doubt that God has a plan for each and everyone of us, it just does not always make sense while we are going through it.

Those who have followed me for the last couple of years, know that God has been at work in my life. Most recently, He used the University of Michigan Hospital to save my life. Then a few months later He opened up a job in the small town of Spencer that seemed to be perfect for me. Shortly after our arrival in Spencer we joined a pastorless church and a few months later they called me to be their Pastor. God at work ALL THE WAY!!!

Everything was going good. Work was good and it was great to be used by God at Ninth Street Baptist Church. Late in 2011 things at work began to change. The hours were getting longer and longer and the stress was ratcheting up. As the long days turned into long weeks and months, it began to have an impact on my health, my family, and my time for ministry.

I was really struggling to find time to do it all. Most weekends I ended up sleeping 10 hours each night and would take 1-2 hour naps both days. Fatigue was setting in.

As an Accoustic Neuroma brain tumor survivor, this brought about some additional problems. Tremors significantly increased, what used to be occasional minor headaches turned into daily major headaches. Balance issues increased, dizzyness would creep in more frequently. Stress was having an impact on my health.

Work also got in the way of my family time. One of the measures I use in my life, is how often I have dinner with my family. The last few years, maybe 1 night a week would I be late to dinner. So far in 2012 I have missed more dinners with my family, than I had actually had with them. I was losing the battle of time everyday.

Ministry suffered! What started out as something that was amazing to be a part of, with time spent everyweek fixing up the church or doing simple outreach activities was being limited. Now it seemed to take every ounce of effort to just prepare for service each Sunday. Outreach - did not happen. Sprucing up the building - stopped.

The stress and 60+ hour work weeks was impacting every aspect of my life, and have a negative effect on the things I hold most dear. Heck, it even had an impact on the time I had to blog. This is only my second blog post in 2012.

I needed a change!

I started by working with my manager to see what could be done about the hours required to get the job done. When we would talk, he would say he understood but he did not have any answers. We were in a situation where we could not add anyone to the department even though we had taken on new product lines. We were bringing more work to Spencer but no new employees. Nothing was going to change.

In March I heard from a recruiter about a new position in another company. At first I did not want to talk about it, and actually avoided the recruiter for the first week. Then I decided it could not hurt to talk to him. I was upfront that I was not actively looking, but could use a change. We spent a lot of time talking about culture at various companies. He believed that the company he was helping would be a good fit for me. So I had a phone interview and things went real well. Over the next few weeks, I interviewed on site for 7 hours and had two additional phone interviews.

This last week I was offered the job.

This brought around a very difficult decision. Accepting the job would mean leaving a company I had been at for over 6 years, and where I had a solid career path. It would mean we would be moving, again! Although my current employeer would want me to move in 2013. The thought of leaving our Ninth Street Baptist Family was very hard to swallow. During the week I was eager for the change at work, but each Sunday I would be reminded that I was born to share God's Word with His people.

We prayed, talked, and prayed somemore.

We decided that we needed to take this opportunity and leave our life in Spencer.

Yes, it does mean we are leaving our passion at Ninth Street Baptist. Yes, it means we will be moving once again.

While these are very hard things to get over, the benefits far exceed what we will lose.

I am joining a company that does not expect me to be available 24x7. I will have a more normal work life. I will be home for dinner almost every night. I will have time to get plenty of rest, so that I have energy to do things with the kids on the weekend. I also know that God will provide some way of allowing me to continue to Share His Amazing Love!

With this move, I am making my true priorities first in my life. Besides my personal relationship with God, My family and my health are more important to me that climbing the corporate ladder.

Once again, my life will reflect my priorities.

For those we are leaving, we love you and know that God is with you!

Once again, God is moving in our lives in ways we do not yet understand. He has a plan and it will come to fruitian.

Above all things TRUST GOD! HE IS IN CONTROL!

God Bless,



  1. May God bless you and your family as you move on to the new endeavour, keep in touch.

    Randy @ SMP, Omaha


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