21 Month Post Op Update

Today, February 26, 2012, is 21 months to the day since my Acoustic Nueroma Brain Tumor removal surgery.

As I approach the 2 year mark, I ask myself am I glad I had the surgery? YOU BET!!! Would I do it again? Without a doubt!!!

While I am not 100% 21 months later, I am much better off than I would have been had I waited or not done anything at all. My tumor was growing rapidly and would have caused major problems in the following months or years had I waited. Today, I have a constant ringing in my left ear, I cannot hear anything out of that ear, I do get dizzy, I do get tired easily, reading tends to put me to sleep, I do have balance issues, and I do get headaches on that side of my head.

It could have been a LOT WORSE!

While the list of side effects may seem long, the list of things that I can do is much longer. I can work, I can rough house with my kids, I go to the shooting range, I can go fishing, I ride my bike, I am here to be a husband and father, and God is still using me to share His love. This list goes on and on, but the point I want to make is that life after surgery has been a gift from God!

While I don't dwell on the fact that I am a brain tumor survivor, I do Thank God Every Day for what He has given me. A new life and a desire to share His Word with everyone I meet.

No matter what callenges we face in life, no matter how dark the path seems, God will be with you. All you have to do is ask. Scripture does not tell us that we will have an easy life, but it does tell us that Jesus will carry us through our trials.

This morning we sang a song that said 'In His Presence Daily Live'. This phrase hits home in so many ways. It is easy to say you are a Christian, it is easy to say that you depend on God, but do you live every moment of your life in His presence? I want to encourage you to spend time with Jesus every day, but don't limit it to your Bible readings and prayers. To live in His presence, means to be with Jesus always. When you wake up in the morning, when you are at work, when you are with your family, even when you are alone. When life is Great, Live with Jesus, when life is a struggle, Live with Jesus. Don't just visit Jesus on Sunday, Live in His presence every moment of every day.

Jesus Loves You!

God Bless,



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