Breath Taking

My breath was taken away!

Normally we experience breath taking moements in life when we witness something beautiful.

(picture taken by my Mother)

Other times we might have a breath taking moment when we witness pure joy, like a kid getting the best present ever!

(another picture taken by my Mother, of me as a child)

While I see beutiful sunrises and sunsets every week over the lake by work, that was not what took by breath away.

I do have three wonderful kids, but my breath was not taken away by their pure joy.

No, my breath was taken away when I was cleaning out a folder and stumbled on this picture.

It was one of those moments that seemed like time stood still. As I opened up the folded pages and revealed the picture of what my Acoustic Neuroma Brain Tumor looked like back in Feb 2010. I stopped what I was saying, what I was doing, and just froze.

My breath was taken away!

Here was a reminder of that life changing event. As I have reflected on that momemt, the thoughts, and the emotions I experienced one thing stuck with me.


I am thankful that God saw me through that valley!
I am thankful for everyday that I wake up and get to spend with my family!
I am thankful that I live a pretty normal life!
I am thankful for the change in perspective it has given me!

Life is full of breath taking moments, some are good and some are not. Each one is a reminder of what is important. Whether it is to stop and enjoy the view, relish in the joy of a child, or a challenge that makes you stronger, each moment should be a momemt of thanks.

Be thankful for ALL that has happened in your life! Thank God for ALL that He has done!

Breath taking moments are reminders of God's love!

God Bless,



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