WOW it has been a while... a chance to catch up.

I have been real busy lately which probably explains why I have not posted since May. I know I am not alone in the busyness of life, but it is the only reason I can contribute to my lack of writing. Although it might have to do with reaching the end of my 1 year journey of AN recovery. Probably a mixture of both.

So what has been going on.

1. In May the family went to California for vacation. We hung out with family, went to Disneyland, had a great barbecue, and got a little sun burned.

2. In June Alexis had ACL reconstruction on her right knee. She is doing great now and has completed her physical therapy. She wont be running a marathon anytime soon but should be able to walk around the county fair in September.

3. We have finally moved into a real house! In July we moved into a nice 4 bedroom, 1 office, 2.5 bath home. We spent a couple of weeks packing and can safely say we are about 85% complete with our unpacking. It feels real nice being able to settle down and know we are not looking for something else.

4. Now we are getting the kids ready for school. Seems early for us, but I think we got used to Michigan where they did not start till the first full week of September. Here they start next week. They are excited to do something new, but also wishing summer lasted a bit longer.

On top of all that work has been crazy. I am not complaining in any way, it has just been challenging dealing with all of this, working full time +, and settling in at Ninth Street Baptist Church. I would not trade it for the world, just need to work on my juggling technique.

This time last year I was feeling very down about having to leave the Ministry, but I see that God has done some amazing things in our lives since then. We are in a new home, I have the job I have spent the last 10 years working towards, my family loves our new town, we have new hobbies, we actually went on a real vacation, and God has called me to serve His church once again! I am fully blessed and completely humbled by His Love for me and His awesome power. God is Great!

I pray God is touching each of you as He has me and my family!

God Bless!



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