10 Months Post Op! Thanking God Every Day!

Last month I was feeling very thankful for all that God has done, this month it has continued.

About this time last year (March 30th) I was given my surgery date of May 26th. I remember not being sure how I felt about having an actual date. It made things very real and time was limited, but it also eliminated most of the anxiety of not knowing when things were going to happen.

I remember that while I was confident that Jesus was in control and that He would take care of everything, there were times when I was very nervous. Also this time last year, I was really begining to struggle with my energy level. My Acoustic Neuroma Tumor was impacting my life. While I do not have all of my energy back, I can tell you for a fact that I have more energy now than I did 1 year ago.

So 10 months post op, I have lost my hearing on the left side, the ringing can drive me crazy some days, still have some fatigue issues, and I still a little numbness in my legs. With all of that I can say I am better today than I was a year ago before my surgery. I have more energy, I am able to do more, and I enjoy more of life! I am glad I had my surgery when I did.

A neat thing happened last week. While talking to a lady I work with who has an Acoustic Neuroma tumor treated by Gamma Knife. She introduced me to another person at our plant who also had an Acoustic Neuroma tumor. His was removed using the same surgery process as mine. Here we were, 3 individuals with Acoustic Neuroma tumors and each one of us beating the odds! We instantly connected and it was a great conversation.

None of use can hear in our left ears (just a coincidence), we were treated in 3 different hospitals, in 3 different states, and all of us are living normal lives and working at the same factory. It was nice to have some time to talk to others who have experienced what I went through.

Today I am thankful that day by day my life is returning to normal. It is truly a God Thing!

As I write this blog post, I am finding it hard to find new things to write about concerning my recovery. I guess that is a good thing! Nothing new means everything is going great!

God has been very good to me and my family! I pray that whatever you are going through in your life that you seek Jesus and learn to depend on Him. Without His strength and His joy, my journey would have been more difficult that I can imagine. The Bible tells us that we are going to go through things in our lives that we don't want to face, but it also tells us that Jesus will be with us always.

A popular saying states 'God will not give you more than you can handle'. That is only partially true. God will give you more than you can handle on your own. The whole truth is that 'God will not give you more than you can handle IF you depend on Jesus'. No matter what you are facing Jesus will be by your side, it may not be easy, it may seem very dark, it will be stressful, but Jesus will be with you! Depending on Jesus is the only way!

I encourage you to depend on Jesus no matter what you are going through!

God Bless,



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