8 Months Post Op - Just another day

Going into this week you would never have guessed that I am now 8 months post op.

Took a day long road trip this weekend, watched movies, and just hang out. Monday I took the day off, as I try to use up my vacation before I lose it, and had a great day hanging with my wife. We actually spent a few hours at the range shooting our rifle and pistol. Had a blast.

Tuesday was just like anyother work day, nothing major and today was the same. Actually spent the evening having a quesadilla from Taco Johns, getting my haircut, and shopping for a archery finger guard for Chris. Today was just another day.

If I had not thought about it last night I might have even forgot that today marked 2/3rds of a year since I came out of surgery. As I type it is roughly the same time of day that Alexis and my Mother were able to join me in post op. For having brain surgery I am doing great!

Today I spoke with a co-worker from corporate and she asked me how I was doing. Did not even have to think about it and told her I was doing good.

To answer that question in more detail:
Headaches - farily rare.
Energy Level - Do pretty good, but can tell when I am pushing myself to hard.
Pinched nerves - Month by month I am doing better. Still have some numbness and sensitivity in my upper legs.

All in all, I am doing GREAT and even if I never got any better than I am today, I would say my surgery was a resounding success!

I am VERY thankful to the ENT and Neuro teams at University of Michigan hospital and regularly remember them and their patients in my prayers. I am also VERY thankful for my Lord Jesus Christ for seeing me through all of this and giving my family and I the strength we needed.

God has placed us in a small church whose new pastor should be here by March, his wife just had twins that need some medical care before they move. Please keep them in your prayers. The interim pastor is a retired gentleman who has some medical things coming up, he can use your prayers also. This is giving me the opportunity to preach. I am preaching this Sunday, with a week off and then will be preaching for several weeks after that.

I am excited to have this opportunity to share God's word with this small congregation. It also gives me the chance to really test my strength/energy level. Thank You God for giving me this chance!

God has been GREAT to me and I pray that you give Him the chance to do the same for you!

God Bless!



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