OnGoing AN Struggle - A Quick Update
I wanted to share a couple of updates that I have been sharing on ANAUSA which has a discussion board for Acoustic Neuroma patients and caregivers. Update from June 8, 2014 I saw the balance Physical Therapist on June 6th. She is a PHD who runs the balance physical therapy at Boone hospital in Columbia, MO. Spent an hour with her on this first visit doing exams and talking about the sudden onset of balance issues and any other things that may have caused it. I have 3 sets of vestibular exercises that I am to do 3-4 times a day. She cut back on how much she wants me to do since 'I am trying to work full time'. She also seemed concerned about our upcoming vacation and how much I am going to be able to do at the lake. So far the exercises are kicking my butt so I hope they are retraining my brain. This week will be challenging with work, new exercises, and life in general. I am to call her next week and follow up appointment on the 27th after her and our vacations. She will r...