Sermon June 30, 2013 Call 2 Fall a sermon on the importance of prayer!
This morning June 30 th , 2013 we are joining many other churches around the country to discuss the importance of prayer. As I watch the news and look around our nation I am concerned. Society today continues to deteriorate. People no longer follow Biblical values; they live their lives focused on the moment and on material things. They only think about themselves. Our nation has lost its way. No longer can we comfortably say that we are One Nation Under God, unless our nations god is something other than our Creator. Sadly our leadership bows to the whims of people and special interest groups. The Supreme Court of the United States made that clear this week and seeing how the President and other leaders responded are perfect examples that we need to be praying for them. As true believers in the One True God we only have one thing we can do. It is something that every single one of us can do. It is not pushing petitions, it is not standing on street corners calling out everyth...