
Sermon Notes - Romans 4:9-25 - Faith - Littleby Baptist Church - October 13, 2024

  1.         In the first part of the fourth chapter of Romans, Paul was driving home the point that we are saved by faith. a.         He was using historical heroes of the Jewish faith to make his point. b.        Father Abraham was saved by faith, before the sacrificial system. c.         Before Jesus died on the cross. d.        This would have been easily accepted by the Jewish people. e.         It probably helped them to accept what Paul was telling them. f.           Might have shocked them that Paul was saying that the gentiles could have that same faith. g.         But by making the connection between Abraham and then David, it would have become easier for many to accept what he was teaching. h.         That we are justified by repenting of our sins and following Jesus. i.           The Son of God, who died on the cross for us. j.           A message that he continues to drive home throughout most of this letter. 2.         Romans 4:9 a.         Paul st

Sermon Notes - Daniel 3 - No Matter the Outcome - Sunday PM - Littleby Baptist Church - October 6, 2024

  1.         I look forward to Reading the book of Daniel each year. 2.         It is arguably my favorite book in the OT. 3.         It shares with us the faith of 4 men in trying times. 4.         A little bit of background before we get to our text this evening. 5.         King Nebuchadnezzar ruled over most of the known world in his day. a.         This feed his ego. b.        He thought very highly of himself. c.         He captured Judah. d.        Took its treasures. e.         Carried off many of its people. 6.         That’s when we first learn about Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. a.         They did what they could to honor God and were blessed. 7.         Nebuchadnezzar has a dream that he did not understand, and it seemed to scare him. a.         He expected his wisemen to do the impossible. b.        Tell him the dream and then interpret it. c.         None of them could do it. d.        So, he sentenced them all to