
Sermon Notes - Romans 10:1-13 - Littleby Baptist Church - March 2, 2025

  1.         Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen Paul lament over his people’s lack of faith. a.         They did not believe in God’s chosen One. b.        They missed the one that the Father sent. c.         They missed Jesus. d.        They did not see what God was doing when Jesus walked among them. e.         They stumbled over the cornerstone. f.           The One who was to be the foundation of their faith. g.         The same One who is the foundation of our faith. h.         The One we are to trust in no matter what. i.           Our King and Savior who loves us. 2.     ...

Sermon Notes - Romans 9:14-33 - Littleby Baptist Church - February 23, 2025

1.         It is probably safe to say that Paul was looking forward to spending his forever with Jesus. a.         Which makes it surprising to read that he would be willing to sacrifice himself if his people would be saved. b.        He had a heart for the Jewish people. c.         He wished that they would come to know and accept the Good News of Jesus. d.        And he was willing to give all he had to make it happen. e.         Now, he knew, and we know that we cannot make it happen. f.           But we should be willing to risk it all for those around us. g.         In order that they will hear the message of Christ. h.         In hope that they will accept...