
Sermon Notes - Things Churches Need... Biblically Based Teaching - Littleby Baptist Church - April 21, 2024

1.         As we move into our third week of the Things Churches Need series, we come to another item that I wish we could say was a given. 2.         Some churches embrace this week’s need and it is a part of their DNA. 3.         Some do not. 4.         It is one of those things that Scripture tells us is a sign of the times we live in. 5.         Their will be those who speak the truth and those who tickle ears. 6.         There are times and places for things such as Ted Talks. a.         A presentation sharing research and knowledge to inspire others. 7.         There is a time and place for self-help type of messages. 8.         Sometimes church teachings can fit in those categories. 9.         But if we flip through our Bibles and read more than those verses, we enjoy reading, we will see there are a lot of hard truths. a.         There are times we will be inspired. b.        But there are also times we are corrected and challenged. c.         There are

Sermon notes - Things Churches Need... Christ Centered Worship - Littleby Baptist Church - April 14, 2024

1.         Normally when we think of “Worship” our minds go to the time we spend singing songs. a.         Is singing part of worship? Absolutely, yes! b.        Is singing all there is in worship, no. 2.         Worship can include just about anything. a.         Singing a couple of songs is worship. b.        Spending time reading God’s Word is worship. c.         To be honest, worship is truly a way of life. 3.         Deuteronomy 6:4-9 a.         Since the days of Moses worship was a way of life. b.        It was about honoring God. c.         Loving God with all of our heart, soul, and strength. d.        Worship is to be a part of our lives, sharing them with our children, sitting at home, and out on the road. 4.         A common definition for worship is to show reverence for our God. a.         That is what God instructed the Israelites to do. b.        To live in a way that shows reverence to God who freed them from captivity. 5.         If we loo